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Tulare Irrigation District In-Basin Exchange with Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company and Farmers Ditch Company
Reclamation proposes to approve a long-term exchange of up to 40,000 AF/y of Tulare Irrigation District Central Valley Project (CVP) water for an equal amount of non-CVP Kaweah River water from Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company and/or Farmers Ditch Company. The proposed exchange is for the purpose of irrigation deliveries and conjunctive use operations, and improved water management within the Kaweah Basin

Draft FONSI and EA available for public review on March 20, 2008. Comments due April 19, 2008. Final EA/signed FONSI completed May 12, 2008.

Patti  Clinton
Phone: 559-487-5127
Fax: 559-487-5397

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Final EA/FONSI, TID exchange .pdf 914.42KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, TID exchange .pdf 30.08KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, TID exchange .pdf 543.79KB