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Madera Irrigation District One-Year Warren Act Contract and Additional Point of Delivery into Fresno County Water Works #18 2008 Only
Reclmation proposes to execute a one-year Warren Act Contract with Madera Irrigation District (MID) to convey up to 10,000 acre-feet (af) of MID's non-Central Valley Project (CVP) water in excess capacity in CVP facilities. The term of the contract would be the 2008 water year, ending February 28, 2009. In addition, Reclamation would convey up to 40 af of the 10,000 af of non-CVP water into Fresno County Water Works #18 (FCWW 18) existing facilities for ultimate delivery to Table Mountain Rancheria for municipal and industrial purposes. Up to 40 af of non-CVP water would be delivered through FCWW 18's existing point of delivery from Friant Dam.

Draft EA available for public review on on January 25, 2008. Comments are due February 8, 2008. FONSI signed and Final EA completed on February 21, 2008.

Patti  Clinton
Phone: 559-487-5127
Fax: 559-487-5397

List of Available Reports
Report Title
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File with .pdf extension Signed FONSI/Final EA, MID Warren Act Contract 2008 .pdf 3,910.91KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, MID Warren Act Contract 2008 .pdf 21.63KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, MID Warren Act Contract 2008 .pdf 1,161.80KB