Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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Delta Lands Reclamation District 770 Long-term Warren Act Contract and License
Reclamation proposes the execution of two legal instruments with the Delta Lands Reclamation District 770: 1) a Warren Act contract allowing the conveyance of up to 250,000 acre-feet of floodwater in the FKC and 2) a license allowing the District to maintain and operate pumping facilities on Reclamations right-of-way.

Draft EA available due January 25, 2008. Comments due February 25, 2008.

Judi  Tapia
Phone: 559-487-5138
Fax: 559-487-5397

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, Delta Lands Warren Act Contract .pdf 35.69KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Delta Lands Warren Act Contract .pdf 4,143.46KB 
File with .pdf extension Appencices A and B, Draft EA, Delta Lands Warren Act Contract .pdf 271.92KB 
File with .pdf extension Appencices C and D, Draft EA, Delta Lands Warren Act Contract .pdf 202.14KB 
File with .pdf extension Appencices E and F, Draft EA, Delta Lands Warren Act Contract .pdf 431.52KB