Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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Santa Clara Valley Water District Pipeline Maintenance Program for the Pacheco and Santa Clara Conduits and Tunnels
The Santa Clara Valley Water District is proposing a Pipeline Maintenance Program (PMP) for their 14 raw water pipelines and nine treated water pipelines. Reclamation proposes to approve this PMP for the two federally-owned pipelines - the Santa Clara Conduit, the Pacheco Conduit and corresponding easements. The project area would also include streams, fields, storm drains, and channels where discharge of pipeline water may occur.

Draft EA available for review on October 9, 2007. Comments are due by November 9, 2007.

Patti  Clinton
Phone: 559-487-5127
Fax: 559-487-5397

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, Pacheco/Santa Clara Pipe Maintenance .pdf 43.76KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Pacheco/Santa Clara Pipe Maintenance .pdf 2,360.48KB