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Friant-Kern Canal/Cross Valley Canal Intertie Construction Project Environmental Assessment
Reclamation proposes to issue a permit to the Friant Water Authority for construction of a turnout and measuring station in the wall of the Friant-Kern Canal (FWC), and construction of an eight foot diameter pipeline, that would connect to an existing junction box. This Intertie would allow up to 500 cfs to move bi-directionally between the FKC and the Cross Valley Canal. The purpose of the action is to allow greater opportunities for conveyance of water purchases, transfers and/or exchanges in the project area as the operational and conveyance capacity constraints currently in place would be alleviated.

Draft EA/FONSI available for review on September 12, 2007. FONSI signed and final EA completed October 24, 2007.

Judi  Tapia
Phone: 559-487-5138
Fax: 559-487-5397

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Final EA/FONSI, DMC 2007 Warrent Act Contracts .pdf 887.27KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA/FONSI, Section 5, DMC 2007 Warrent Act Contracts .pdf 7,219.40KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA/FONSI, Section 6, DMC 2007 Warrent Act Contracts .pdf 5,666.80KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, Friant-Kern Canal/Cross Valley Canal Intertie .pdf 23.20KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Friant-Kern Canal/Cross Valley Canal Intertie .pdf 797.04KB