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San Luis Unit Water Service Interim Renewal Contracts 2008 - 2011
The purpose of the proposed action is to execute seven San Luis Unit interim renewal contracts for up to two years and two months (26 months) each, beginning in January 1, 2008 for WWD and January 1, 2009 for the other six interim renewal contractors as required by, and to further implement CVPIA Section 3404(c). Execution of these seven interim renewal contracts will provide the contractual relationship for the continued delivery of CVP water to these contractors pending execution of their long-term renewal contracts.

Draft EA and seven FONSIs available for review on August 20, 2007. Comments due on September 18, 2007. Five of the FONSIs were signed and Final EA completed on December 18, 2007. Waiting to complete Endangered Species Act consultation before signing the PWD and SLWD FONSIs. PROBLEMS VIEWING OR DOWNLOADING FILES? PLEASE CONTACT LYNNETTE WIRTH AT (916) 978-5102 or lwirth@mp.usbr.gov

Judi  Tapia
Phone: 559-487-5138
Fax: 559-487-5397

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Signed FONSIs for WWD, Avenal, Huron, CDFG and Coalinga; San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 1,651.32KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 5,794.25KB 
File with .pdf extension Appendices A-D, Final EA, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 4,976.33KB 
File with .pdf extension Appendix E, Final EA, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 5,691.12KB 
File with .pdf extension Appendix F, Final EA, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 1,529.39KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 3,481.77KB 
File with .pdf extension Avenal Draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.03KB 
File with .pdf extension CDFG Draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.14KB 
File with .pdf extension Coalinga draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Intermim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.13KB 
File with .pdf extension Huron Draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Intermim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.06KB 
File with .pdf extension PWD Draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.23KB 
File with .pdf extension SLWD Draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Interim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.29KB 
File with .pdf extension WWD Draft FONSI, San Luis Unit Intermim Contract Renewal .pdf 25.28KB