Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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Vista Verde 5-Year Transfer of Settlement Contract Water to Vista Verde-Owned Lands in Westland Water District Environmental Assessment
Reclamation proposes to approve a series of temporary annual water transfers. Vista Verde would transfer up to 1,140 acre feet per year of their Settlement Contract water for the next five years, beginning in 2007 from its lands adjacent to the Westlands Water District (WWD) northeastern boundary to property farmed by Vista Verde or its affiliates located entirely within WWD.

Draft EA available for review on July 11, 2007. Comments due Friday, July 20, 2007. Final EA/signed FONSI completed July 26, 2007.

Laura Myers
Phone: 559-487-5179

List of Available Reports
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File with .pdf extension Final EA/FONSI, Vista Verde Transfers .pdf 2,442.57KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI/EA, Vista Verde Transfers .pdf 284.63KB