ORGANIZATION                    TYPE





Gay, Lesbian                     Employee Organization          Michael D. McElvaine               1325 13th Street, N.W., # 32          202-720-8121

or Bisexual Employees                                                   President                                  Washington, D.C. 20005     



Forest Service                    Employee Organization         William Ray, Jr.             USDA Forest Service                    514-783-4077

American Indian                                                            Interim Chair                             Chiloquin                             

Council (FS-AIC)                                                                                                         Ranger District

                                                                                                                                    38500 Highway 97N

                                                                                                                                    Chiloquin, OR  97624


Pathfinders                        Employee Organization         Norene E. Blair                         1400 Independence Ave, SW         202-205-1782

Association of                                                               President                                  Mail Stop 111                      

People with                                                                                                                   Washington, D.C. 20250

Disabilities in    

USDA Forest Service



Organization of                   Professional Group or           M. Farook Sait                          P.O. Box 381                                202-720-4899

Professional Employees      Association                          President                                  Washington, D.C. 20044                OPEDA-DAEXCH

of the Department of

Agriculture (OPEDA)              


American Indian                  Employee Organization        Richard Regan                          1400 Independence Ave, SW         202-720-1670

Council (AIC)                                                              President                                  ASCR-Mail Stop 9401         

                                                                                                                                    Room 629

                                                                                                                                    Washington, D.C. 20250


Black In Government           Employee Organization        Keith Prue                                P.O. Box 23381                                           202-690-1802

George Washington                                                       President                                  Washington, D.C. 20026      

Carver Chapter (BIG)


National Association            Association of Mgmt.          Richard G. Chavez                    560 N Street, S.W.,                       202-6902051

of Hispanic Federal             Officials or  Supervisors       President                                  Apt., N513                          

Executives -USDA                                                                                                        Washington, D.C. 20024

Chapter (NAHFE)


Association for                   Employee Organization           Mark J. Benedict, J.D.               300 12th Street, S.W.               202-205-7913

Persons with                                                                   President                                  Room 101                     

Disabilities in                                                                                                                   Washington, D.C. 20250

Agriculture (APDA)


Association of                    Employee Organization           Eugene P. Grapa                       1170 4th Avenue South             715-762-5116

Christians Reaching                                                         Chair                                        Park Falls, WI  54552     

Out in Service and

Support (ACROSS)


National Organization         Professional Group               Charles E. Adams                       10717 Los Rios Drive              817-773-1026

of Professional Black          or Association                      President                                    Fort Worth, TX 76179               charles.adama@ftw.nrcs.usda/gpv

Natural Resources

Conservation Service




National Association           Association of Mgmt.             June J. Burke                           151 Langston Chapel Rd.          912-871-2620

of Rural Development         Officials or Supervisors           President                                 Suite 500                        

Support Personnel                                                                                                         Statesboro, GA 30458



National Association           Association of Mgmt.             Douglas L. Fulnechek              1910 Sunderland Pl. N.W.          202-223-4878

of Federal Veterinarians                 Officials or Supervisors           DVM, President                     Washington, D.C. 20036



National Association           Association of Mgmt.             Ralph E. Sadler Jr.                  126 Court Square                        336-694-4162

of Credit Specialists            Officials or Supervisors           President                                P.O. Box 970               

(NACS)                                                                                                                        Yanceyville, NC 27379


African American              Employee Organization         James L. Howard                     1 Gifford Pinchot Drive                608-231-9376

Strategy Group                                                               President                                 Madison, WI 53705           




Asian Pacific American     Employee Organization              Dr. Pat Basu                                        P.O. Box 44399                            202-690-6558

Network in Agriculture                                                       President                                 Washington, D.C. 20026      



Forest Service Hispanic      Employee Organization             Sandra Macias                          USDA Forest Service                   707-562-9025

Employees Association                                                      President                                  Region 5                            

(FSHEA)                                                                                                                           1323 Club Drive

                                                                                                                                         Vallejo, CA 95492


American Indian/Alaska                Employee Organization             Crystal AP Leonetti                   300 W. Welsh Street                                907-271-2424 Ext. 110

Native Employees                                                             President                                  P.O. Box 404                     

Association for NRCS                                                                                                        Williamsburg, IA 52361



Hispanic American             Employee Organization             Fidel R. Delgado                        1400 Independence Ave, SW        202-720-8562

Cultural Effort                                                                    President                                   Room 2646                        

(HACE)                                                                                                                             Washington, D.C. 20250     


Sin Nombre                        Employee Organization               Robert H. Curtis                         c/o IPPD, FAS/USDA                202-720-1330

(SIN NOMBRE)                                                                 President                                   1400 Independence Ave.   

                                                                                                                                           Room 5531-S, Stop 1021

                                                                                                                                           Washington, DC 20250


National Organization         Employee Organization               Carlos Suarez                              c/o USDA –FAS                         1-809-227-0112                     

 Of Professional                                                                              President                                    430 G Street, Suite 4164            

   Hispanic NRCS                                                                                                                  Davis, CA  95616



New Horizons Chapter       Employee Organization               Shirley Harrington                  P.O. Box 44149                                  202-720-2983

Federally Employed                                                                 President                                Washington, D.C.  20026  Women                            


 Asian Pacific Islander        Employee Organization               Phoukham Vongkhamdy         2502 W Cambridge Court                         415-742-1215

Organization                                                                                                                              Stillwater, OK                  

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