WIN the Rockies
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Wellness IN the Rockies sought to address obesity innovatively and effectively.


". . . it fills a void in the vast array of self-help books on nutrition, physical activity, body image, and overall health. . . . Let Their Voices Be Heard will also be extremely helpful to health professionals by opening the door to rich and honest dialogue with their patients. . . ."

- Cindy Dallow, PhD,
registered dietician and consultant,
author, and speaker on nutrition
and active living

(Available at

WIN the Rockies (Wellness IN the Rockies), was a four-year behavior-change consortium project which involved the University of Idaho, Montana State University, the University of Wyoming, their extension services, their WWAMI Medical Education Programs, the Area Health Education Centers in Wyoming and Montana, along with other state organizations and community groups.

Overall Guiding Principle:

People have responsibilities for their own health, but communities must create environments that foster good health and provide healthy options.

Our mission was to assist communities in educating people to:

  • value health,
  • respect body-size differences,
  • enjoy the benefits of self-acceptance,
  • enjoy physically active living,
  • and enjoy healthful and pleasurable eating.





Disclaimer : Credits & Acknowledgments : Funding


WIN the Rockies: University of Wyoming ~ Montana State University ~University of Idaho
Last updated ~ July 2006

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