Capacity Building Tools | Capacity Building | Topics | CDC HIV/AIDS

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Capacity Building Tools
  • CBA Request Information System (CRIS) is a Web-based system for technical assistance to be used by CDC-funded CBOs and CBA providers, health departments, and project officers to
    • Submit CBA requests
    • Monitor, track, and follow up CBA requests
  • Training Events Calendar (TEC) is a Web-based registration system for trainings and workshops which allows users to
    • Search/view CDC-sponsored trainings and workshops
    • Register for CDC-sponsored trainings and workshops
    • Submit trainings and workshops for posting (CDC partner agencies only)
    • Search/view CDC partner agency trainings and workshops
    • Connect to selected partner agency registration sites
  • Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions (DEBI)Link to non-CDC web site allows users to check for availability of DEBI training(s) and register at the site. Users also have access to logic models, program implementation guides, fact sheets, sample budgets, technical assistance guides, and other relevant resource materials.
  • State HIV/AIDS Program Directory (from NASTAD)Link to non-CDC web site
  • ETN Listserv
    • To subscribe to the listserv:

      Send an email to with a blank subject line. The body of the message should read “Subscribe hiv-etn yourfirstname yourlastname” (Example: hiv-etn Jane Smith)

      Once you have successfully subscribed to the listserv, you should receive a confirmation email.
    • To send an email to everyone who is subscribed to the listserv, send your message to
    • To leave the listserv send an email to with a blank subject line. The body of the message should contain “signoff hiv-etn”

    If you have concerns about your message content changing during transmission, please send an email to and in the body of the message type "set hiv-etn repro". The listserv will then send you a copy of your own messages, so that you can see the message was distributed and did not get damaged during transmission.

    This is a MODERATED listserv. Please note that ALL e-mails will automatically respond to the entire listserv, even when reply to is selected. To send a message to a specific individual please CUT and PASTE the e-mail address of that individual in the "To" line.

Last Modified: December 5, 2006
Last Reviewed: December 5, 2006
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
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