September 18, 2008 00:32:04 UT - Mission Day: 4675 - DOY: 262
Pick of The Week

Active region emerging (March 21, 2008)

Hi-res TIF image (2.5M)

MPEG Movie: Large (7.1M)
Quicktime Movie: Large ( 20M), Small (2.1M)

The STEREO (Ahead) spacecraft was watching in extreme UV light (March 15, 2008) as a small active region emerged from beneath the Sun's surface. The close-up video clip shows this active region (AR986) as it developed into a small, brighter area over a one-day period. In visible light, this area would be seen as a small, dark sunspot. These active regions are formed by intense magnetic forces inside the Sun that break through the surface. They can last from hours to months. This active region was not a powerful one. We followed it as the Sun's rotation carried it out of view, but it unleashed no solar storms.


SOHO began its Weekly Pick some time after sending a weekly image or video clip to the American Museum of Natural History (Rose Center) in New York City. There, the SOHO Weekly Pick is displayed with some annotations on a large plasma display.

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Last modification: 21 Mar 2008

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