Head Start-State Collaboration Office

Head Start-State Collaboration Office

 Despite its Federal-to-local program structure, Head Start recognizes that the states play an important role in the formulation and implementation of policies and initiatives that affect low-income children and their families. Collaboration on behalf of children and families is one of Head Start's highest priorities, particularly around services to homeless families and unified planning for quality full-day, full-year services.


The purpose of the Head Start-State Collaboration grants is to create a visible partnership at the state level to support the development of multi-agency and public/private partnerships. These partnerships are intended to:



"The Lt. Governor's leadership will be imperative in orchestrating the long-term strategic planning of an early childhood system that includes the Colorado Head Start grantees."


~ Governor Bill Ritter, Jr.

June 25, 2007


  • Assist in building early childhood systems and access to comprehensive services and support for all low-income children;
  • Encourage widespread collaboration between Head Start and other appropriate programs, services, and initiatives, augmenting Head Start's capacity to be a partner in state initiatives on behalf of children and their families; and
  • Facilitate the involvement of Head Start in state policies, plans, processes, and decisions affecting the Head Start target population and other low-income families.


Head Start-State Collaboration Office funds are used to facilitate a more coordinated approach to planning and service delivery in the following priority areas: (1) health care; (2) child care; (3) welfare systems; (4) education opportunities in early childhood programs; (5) community service activities; (6) family literacy; and (7) children with disabilities.




The Head Start Program was developed in 1965 to help break the cycle of poverty by providing preschool children of low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional, and psychological needs. 


Current federal initiatives include programs and services that provide support for Early Head Start, Family Strengthening, Migrant and Seasonal Populations, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Family Literacy and families with children who have disabilities.


Colorado Connections


The Office of the Lieutenant Governor collaborates with Head Start and numerous Early Childhood Care and Education stakeholders throughout the state in order to enable children and families to reach their maximum potential.  The Head Start - State Collaboration Office Director is represented on or cooperatively works with numerous state-wide boards, commissions and councils: Colorado Head Start Association, Colorado Early Childhood Summit, Early Childhood State Systems Team and the Blue Ribbon Policy Council. 


For more information contact:

Darcy Allen-Young

