MOBILE6 & NONROAD Model Workshop March 19 & 20, 1997 Outline for Nonroad Emissions Model Presentation I. Introduction (15 min) (RICH) A. Who are we B. Why are we here today 1. SIP model for release in mid 1998--like MOBILE 2. Much work to be done before beta version finished in 1st qtr. FY98 C. What do we want to accomplish today 1. Begin dialogue a. What features are necessarey b. Gauge interest in participating in development 2. Help in model development 3. Beta testing D. Overview of schedule E. Overview of remaining presentation II. Past EPA Nonroad Inventory Tools (RICH) A. AP-42 B. NEVES C. Volume IV D. EPA on adjusting NEVES for subsequent rule E. Use of local input data III. Current or Anticipated Nonroad Models/Tools (RICH) A. EPA NONROAD SIP (model) B. Revised AP-42 C. EPA Trends Report D. EPA Large CI Engine Rule E. EPA Small SI Engine Rule F. ARB MVOFF G. NESCAUM H. OTAG (?) I. FAEED--EDMS J. Others IV. EPA NONROAD Model (30 min) (GREG, except where noted than CHRIS) A. Design philosophy 1. Input/output flexibility defined by user needs 2. Inclusive of all nonroad sources 3. Updated /improved data 4. User friendly 5. Compatible with other models B. Overview of model 1. Overall design a. Interface b. Core model (1) Programming Language (2) Categories/equipment types (3) Outputs (a) Pollutants (b) Geographic area (c) Temporal (d) Units (e) Base and future year inventories (4) Reporting (a) Reporting program (b) Other outputs (5) Minimum platform requirements (6) Schedule/Status (a) Timeline/milestones c. Specific components/features of model (CHRIS) (1) Default inputs (a) Baseline EFs i) Exhaust ii) Evap a) diurnal b) spillage c) displacement d) hot soak (?) e) running loss (?) (b) EF adjustments i) Exhaust ii) Evap (c) Equipment/engine population (d) Activity (e) Growth (f) Seasonal adjustment (g) Fuel Effects - Oxygen and RVP d. Anticipated user inputs (CHRIS) (1) List of specific inputs (a) Definite (b) Possible (time/resource permitting) V. Open discussion (30 min) (TEAM PANEL) A. Does model concept meet needs 1. What is necessary a. Inputs b. Outputs c. Reporting formats/features B. Additional guidance for local input development 1. EPA EIIP 2. User-to-user methodology sharing C. Does schedule/milestones meet needs D. User interest in assisting model development E. User interest in beta testing F. Training needs VI. Wrap up (5 min) (RICH)