1996/97 WORK ASSIGNMENT EPA Contract 68D30035 A. Issuing Office: Sandy Holland (MD-33) Contracts Management Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 B. Contractor: E. H. Pechan & Assoc., Inc. 5537 Hempstead Way Springfield, VA 22151 C. Title: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), 4th Ed.: Vol. II, Part II Update. D. Background: The EPA document, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Fourth Edition, also known as AP-42, is used by the States as a source of emission factors (engine and equipment pollutant emission rates) for total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of sulfur and of nitrogen, and particulate matter. From these emission factors, state environmental agencies can begin to build their attainment and nonattainment area emission inventories for any of EPAs criteria pollutants. AP-42 is comprised of both stationary (Volume I) and mobile (Volume II) sources emission factor sections. Within the mobile sources volume, there are both on-highway (Part I) and nonroad (Part II) mobile sources emission factor sections. The emission factors themselves are derived from exhaust (and evaporative where applicable) emissions testing and engineering determinations. In 1985, sufficient new emission factor test data had been accumulated to publish a fourth edition of the AP-42 emission factors compilation document. Since 1985, EPA has published numerous updates and a technical appendix to AP-42 Volume I, stationary sources. However, only one nonroad mobile sources section update, Supplement A, January 1991, has ever been released for the Vol. II, Mobile Sources section. Having recently received sufficient on-highway emission factor data to update the Part I, On-highway Mobile Sources section, EPA is now assembling data tables and revising this section in preparation for the release of a new fifth edition of AP-42. The present work assignment contributes to this process by updating the emission factor section of Volume II, Part II Off-highway, or more appropriately Nonroad, Mobile Sources. This is to be performed under the Air Planning Analyses portion of contract 68-D-30035 for the development of technical procedures and guidelines, such as AP-42, to implement State air quality and air pollution control programs. E. Statement of Work: The Work Assignment Manager (WAM) is authorized to provide technical direction to the Contractor. The Contractor shall review the organization and format of the current AP-42 Off-Highway Mobile Sources section. Using EPA-furnished documents and reports (including the 1992 Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission Study (NEVES)) and emissions studies obtained from other sources, the Contractor shall determine options to fit new and existing emission factor data within a general AP-42 framework. The Contractor shall then make recommendations as to the outline of a new AP-42 Nonroad Mobile Sources section. After receiving approval for the draft outline of the new Nonroad section, the Contractor shall populate the various nonroad engine application categories with emission factors derived from the NEVES Report, emission factor tables in emissions inventory support documentation for State Implementation Plans (SIPs), and from certain final rule regulatory impact analyses. Using recent nonroad engine test data and regulatory support documents, the Contractor shall attempt to more fully populate the various nonroad equipment categories with emission factors from specific engine testing programs. Where a new emission factor for a particular engine application differs significantly from an existing or updated emission factor for the same engine application , the Contractor shall flag that value and ask for a determination from EPA as to the appropriateness of replacing the original value with the new emission factor. Emission factors derived from Final Rule documents will generally be viewed as having sufficient documentation to supplant existing emission factors for the same category in the new AP-42 Nonroad section. The final updated AP-42 Nonroad section emission factor values shall maintain a close if not identical correspondence with engine application emission factors found in published, publicly available sources like the NEVES, ICAO aircraft data bank, SIP and Volume IV emissions inventory guidance documents. When a newer emission factor is substituted for a present AP-42 emission factor, the supporting text for that section shall carry some explanatory note as to the newer values origin and/or the reason for the change. In concert with the update of emission factors, the Contractor shall compose both supporting text and references for the new AP-42 Nonroad section. Finally, the Contractor shall provide EPA with the updated AP-42 Nonroad section and a final report documenting their efforts with respect to the update process. Subtask 1: EPA shall provide the Contractor with a copy of the fourth edition of the AP-42 Off-Highway Mobile Sources section (September 1985), the 1992 NEVES Report, and examples of one or more State Implementation Plan Nonroad Engine Emission Inventory documents. The Contractor shall review these documents, noting particularly the present organization and formatting of the AP-42 section, and determine a method(s) for reorganizing and updating the AP-42 off-highway engine application categories, associated engine data tables, and supporting text and references into an updated, expanded AP-42 Nonroad Mobile Sources emission factor section. The new AP-42 Nonroad section shall include the following engine application categories, at a minimum: aircraft; airport service equipment;lawn and garden equipment; light commercial equipment; locomotives; industrial equipment; construction equipment; agricultural equipment; logging equipment; recreational equipment; gasoline and diesel recreational and commercial marine equipment. After a short examination of the EPA-furnished data and regulatory support documents, the Contractor shall propose a draft outline for a new AP-42 Vol. II, Part II, Nonroad Mobile Sources section for comment from the Agency. In most cases and as appropriate, the Contractor shall substitute the phrase nonroad for all occurrences of the phrase off-highway in any draft and the final version of the updated AP-42 Nonroad Mobile Sources section. The Contractor shall include a note to this effect in the supporting text of the final AP-42 Nonroad Mobile Sources document. Subtask 2: Once a format for the new AP-42 Nonroad section has been agreed upon, the Contractor shall populate engine application categories (formerly AP-42 Sections II-5 through II-8) in the draft nonroad section using the emission factor table(s) found in both the 1992 NEVES and the Nonroad Engine Emission Inventory document(s). While the NEVES report addressed all of the engine application categories in Subtask 1, except aircraft and locomotives, little data was presented in the report for the agricultural, airport service, light commercial, logging, and commercial marine categories. Therefore, EPA shall provide the Contractor with a copy of its Nonroad Engine Certification database (generally 175-750 HP) and Off-Road Mobile Equipment Emission Inventory Estimate (January 1992, BAH) to incorporate, in consultation with EPA, into the emission factor data tables in the draft AP-42 Nonroad categories. The Contractor shall incorporate these emission factors into AP-42 to the extent that correspondence with the NEVES/Nonroad Engine Eission Inventory documentation can be maintained. Subtask 3: The Contractor shall use the marine engine emission factor data found in NEVES recreational marine data, the gasoline-powered recreational marine rules Regulatory Impact Analysis (7/96), and marine equipment emission factors from SIP documentation to update the appropriate new gasoline or diesel commercial or recreational marine equipment category (formerly AP-42 Sections II-3 and II-4). EPA shall further provide the Contractor with copies of two recent diesel marine reports, Emission Testing of Nonroad Compression Ignition Engines (SwRI#3886-802) and Commercial Marine Vessel Contributions to Emission Inventories: Final Report (October 7, 1991 BAH), and with copies of the Shipboard Marine Engines Emission Testing for the United States Coast Guard: Final Report, Delivery Order No. 31 and the Marine Exhaust Emissions Research Programme: 1995, Lloyds Register Engineering Services. The Contractor shall then compare this newer marine engine emission factor data with the revised commercial or recreational marine equipment categories. The Contractor shall incorporate engine emission factor data directly into the appropriate new commercial or recreational AP-42 marine equipment category when it does not conflict with previously published EPA marine engine emission factor data. In cases of conflict with publicly available data, the Contractor, with guidance from EPA, shall reconcile differences between the new and the publiushed marine emission factor data in populating the new marine equipment categories with emission factor data. Subtask 4: EPA shall provide the Contractor with the Agencys draft revised AP-42 aircraft section (AP-42 Section II-1) as a template from which to begin updating emission factors in that category. EPA shall also provide the Contractor with copies of the most recent Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Engine Emission Database (FAAEED), Ver. 2.1, August 1995, and the corresponding users manual, and with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Engine Exhaust Emissions Data Bank. The Contractor shall then use the ICAO Data Bank to update the draft revised version of the AP-42 aircraft section. The Contractor shall then compare the emission factor values found in FAAEED to those in the draft revised AP-42 aircraft section to reconcile FAAEED values with those of the draft revised aircraft section. Where disrepancies exist among the disparate sources of aircraft emissions factors, the Contractor shall consult EPA on which value to use in updating the new aircraft section. NOTE: EPAs draft revised AP-42 aircraft section has already incorporated the aircraft emission factors found in Chapter 5 of Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Vol. IV: Mobile Sources, EPA 450/4-81-026d (revised). Further, EPA shall provide the Contractor with a contact in the Department of Defense from whom the Contractor shall determine the availability and extent of military aircraft engine emission test data on JP-8 aviation fuel. The Contractor shall evaluate the utility of creating a separate emission factor equipment category for this type of test data. If the Contractor determines, in consultation with EPA, that sufficient emission factor data exists, then the Contractor shall populate a Military Aircraft (JP-8 fuel) equipment category with those data. Subtask 5: EPA shall provide the Contractor with a copy of Chapter 6 of Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Vol. IV: Mobile Sources, EPA 450/4-81-026d (revised) and the Report to Congress on Railroad Emissions (RRRC)- A Study Based on Existing Data (July 1, 1991 EPA-OMS-ECTD), both of which contain recent locomotive emission factors. The Contractor shall incorporate the locomotive engine emission factors found in Chapter 6 into the new AP-42 locomotive section (formerly Section II-2). The emission factors in this updated locomotive section shall then be compared to emission factor data from the RRRC. The Contractor, with guidance from EPA, shall reconcile any differences between the two sources of emission factors in drawing together the updated AP-42 locomotive section. F. Deliverables: The draft outline for a new AP-42 Nonroad Mobile Sources Vol. II, Part II section (Subtask 1) shall shall be sent to EPA as both electronic (WordPerfect, ver. 5.1/5.2) and bound and unbound (camera-ready for copying) paper drafts. This section shall contain at a minimum the nonroad engine categories detailed above in Subtask 1. The draft of the new AP-42 Nonroad Mobile Sources Vol. II, Part II section shall cover the nonroad categories as discussed above and as approved by EPA. Any new data shall be presented in data tables with supporting text and references and incorporated into existing or new nonroad categories. The document shall be sent to EPA in both electronic (WordPerfect, ver. 5.1/5.2) and bound and unbound (camera-ready for copying) paper formats. The Contractor shall prepare draft and final copies, as necessary, of a report of all activities associated with the update of this section. Specifically, the update activities report shall document the process and decisions made in populating the emission factor tables of the various nonroad equipment categories in the new AP-42 Nonroad section. The report shall detail which documents contributed emission factors to the new AP-42 Nonroad section, what may be major gaps in the emission factor data for particular categories and applications, and what are the possible next steps in creating a more complete picture of emissions from nonroad mobile sources. The draft (both electronic and paper copies) of the update activities report shall be included with copies of the draft Nonroad section. The Contractor shall prepare a draft final version of the new AP-42 Nonroad section. If c-hanges to the draft final Nonroad section deliverable are required, the Contractor shall make the necessary revisions. The Contractor shall also revise the draft update activities report and include it with the final Nonroad section deliverable. The Contractor shall send EPA the copies of both documents in electronic format (WordPerfect, ver. 5.1/5.2) and bound and unbound (camera-ready for copying) paper formats. G. Deliverables Schedule: Proposed outline of AP-42 Nonroad Due eleven (11) weeks after the section effective date of the work assignment Draft of new AP-42 Nonroad section, Due seventeen (17) weeks after the effective Draft update efforts report to EPA Date of the work assignment Final copies of new AP-42 Nonroad Due twenty-three (23) weeks after section and update efforts report the effective date of the work to EPA assignment H. Level of Effort: Technical Hours: 750 hrs Duration: 6 months I. Reporting Requirements: Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of receipt of this work assignment, the Contractor shall submit a cost estimate for accomplishing this work assignment. The estimated cost shall include all categories of direct labor, overhead, consultant and subcontractor costs, other direct costs, and estimated fee. The cost estimate may be submitted in the same format as prescribed in the previously used Optional Form 60. The Contractor shall indicate in the cost estimate how many hours and cost dollars will be expended. In addition to the cost estimate, the Contractor shall submit a work plan outlining in detail the steps which will be taken to meet the specific concerns and goals described for each subtask. The work plan shall include an introduction, project approach, schedule of work, and staffing requirements, at a minimum. The Contractor shall submit monthly progress reports which summarize the overall progress with an estimate of the percentage of each subtask completed plus a description for each task or logical segment of work on which effort was expended during the month. Any problems (technical or administrative) that have developed shall be listed and shall continue to be listed until resolved. The report shall include a section showing cost and labor hours expended during the preceding month, cumulative costs and labor hours expended to date, and projected expenditures and labor hours at completion. Each report shall be submitted on or before the tenth (10th) day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Each Thursday of the work period, the contractor shall report by telephone the percentage of the level of effort expended (in hours and dollars), percent of the task completed to date, and any prob-lems to the WAM-. On the Thursday after the close of each biweekly accounting period, the per-cent of level of effort shall be based on the results of such accounting. Further, the Contractor should be prepared to discuss by telephone any issues or problems which have arisen in the current reporting period or which may arise in the next two week or longer time frame. On alternate Thursdays, a reasonably accu-rate estimate of level of effort expended shall suffice. Weekly Thursday updates may be conducted through electronic mail if 1) a format for information exchange has been mutually agreed upon and 2) there are no issues or problems, either outstanding or anticipated, to discuss with the WAM. During the period of performance of this work assignment, the Contractor shall immediately inform the WAM by telephone of any problems that may impede performance along with any corrective actions needed by the Contractor or EPA to solve the problem. As well, the Contractor shall alert the Work Assignment Manager when the Contractor is nearing the 85% level of effort expended on the work assignment. The Contractor shall submit a draft final report to the Work Assignment Manager within thirty (30) days following completion of the technical effort. Approval or disapproval of the draft report will be accomplished within thirty (30) days after receipt. Disapproved sections shall be resubmitted for review following correction unless otherwise directed by the WAM. The report shall be prepared according to the "Handbook for Preparing Office of Research and Development Reports," EPA 600/9-83-006, Revised, October 1989, incorporated herein by reference. EXCEPTION TO THE HANDBOOK; The Center for Environmental Research Information (CERI), Cincinnati, Ohio, will not provide any report items to the Contractor. The Contractor shall distribute F.O.B. destination copies of the final report, including an error-free reproducible master as indicated in the attached Report Distribution list within thirty (30) days after approval of the draft. The final report must contain an EPA approved cover; EPA report number (not the same as the contract number); distribution and disclaimer statement; and EPA Form 2220-1, Technical Report Data unless directed otherwise in writing by the WAM. Above items to be furnished by the WAM. Contractor shall not exceed the printing limitations as set forth in the contract. REPORT DISTRIBUTION Number of Copies Cost Estimate Monthly Draft Final and Work Plan Reports Report Report Contracting Officer Sandy Holland 1 1 0 1 Contracts Management Division (MD-33) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Project Officer Mary C. Wilkins 1 1 0 1 Regional Operations Branch (MD-15) Air Quality Management Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Work Assignment Manager Kent M. Helmer, SAG-AMD 1 1 1 1* U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 *Includes an error-free reproducible master and an error-free version on a diskette in Word Perfect ver. 5.1/5.2. G. Work Assignment Manager: The Work Assignment Manager shall be -Kent M. Helmer. tele-phone number: (313) 741-7825 facsimile number: (313) 741-7939. electronic mail: helmer.kent @epamail.epa.gov H. Project Officer: The Project Officer shall be- Mary Wilkins. tele-phone number: (919) 541-5229 facsimile number: (919) 541-4028 electronic mail: wilkins.mary@epamail.epa.gov APPENDIX A. List of Documents to be Furnished to Contractor 1. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), Fourth Edition September, 1985, Off-Highway Mobile Sources section. 2. Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission Study (NEVES)--Report, #21A-2001, Nov. 1991. 3. Nonroad Engine Emission Inventories for CO and Ozone Nonattainment Boundaries; Baton Rouge C.S.A.: Attachment A - Emissions Inventories (EEA). 4. Control of Air Pollution: Final Rule for New Gasoline Spark-Ignition Marine Engines; Exemptions for New Nonroad Compression-Ignition Engines at or Above 37 Kilowatts and New Nonroad Spark-Ignition Engines at or Below 19 Kilowatts, Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Rule. 5. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Vol. IV: Mobile Sources (EPA 450/4-81-026d (revised), Chapter 6- Locomotives. 6. Report to Congress on Railroad Emissions - A Study Based on Existing Data, July 1, 1991 EPA-OAR, ECTD-SDSB. 7. Emission Testing of Nonroad Compression Ignition Engines, SwRI#3886-802 8. Commercial Marine Vessel Contributions to Emission Inventories: Final Report October 7, 1991 (BAH). 9. Shipboard Marine Engines Emission Testing for the United States Coast Guard: Final Report, Delivery Order No. 31. 10. Marine Exhaust Emissions Research Programme - 1995, Lloyds Register Engineering Services. 11. Users manual for Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Engine Emission Database (FAAEED), Ver. 2.1, August 1995. 12. ICAO Engine Exhaust Emissions Data Bank, First Ed., Doc. 9646-AN/943 International Civil Aviation Organization.