US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality (formerly: Office of Mobile Sources) NONROAD Emissions Inventory Model NR-NOTE6.TXT January 7, 2000 Further Updated Graphic User Interface (GUI) This is one item in a series of notes being issued concerning the DRAFT EPA NONROAD model, which was released on June 18, 1998, and distributed at the workshop in Chicago on June 25. Updated/corrected versions of some of the model files were posted in July and October of 1998, and April 1999. Various technical reports documenting the model inputs were also distributed via the web site at various times since June 1998. This note announces the release of an updated/debugged version of the Graphic User Interface (NR-GUI.EXE). This version corrects a few bugs that were in the prior version of the GUI and provides minor enhancements to the operation. Since this has no effect on the core model (nonroad.exe) or the input data files, it should not result in any difference in outputs from the model. INSTALLATION OF NEW GUI First you need to unZIP the file using any available unZIP utility. This file has been ZIP'd so that the correct file datestamp will be maintained (January 3, 2000), which will make it easier to verify which version of the GUI you are using when communicating with EPA about any questions/problems you may have with it. If unfamiliar with handling of ZIP files, please see After unZIPing, save the new nr-gui.exe file into your main NONROAD model directory, e.g., c:\nonroad, overwriting the old version of nr-gui.exe. ENHANCEMENTS AND BUG FIXES The only change since the last update notice (NR-NOTE5.TXT dated Dec 14, 1999) is a fix to the handling of the Stage II Refueling Control input. The prior version would always reset this value to zero when opening any OPT file, rather than reading the value that was already in the OPT file. Following are the changes listed in the prior GUI update notice: The major fix involves the GUI's generation of the .OPT file entry for the equipment population data filename. The prior version of the GUI would cut off the first couple of characters of the file path\name by placing it in the wrong columns of the OPT file. Sometimes this would not cause a problem, such as if just the "c:" part of the name were cut off and the default path was the c:\nonroad directory. But if this was done multiple times to the same OPT file, the model would not run properly, since it would be unable to find the POP file. Under the Advanced Options menu, there is a new item for Optional Output to generate EPS or NET outputs. Please note that the NET output option is currently disabled, since we are still resolving what that output will actually look like. However, the EPS output is functional. Prior to this version of the GUI, generating EPS output required manually editing the .OPT file to indicate the desired EPS output filename. Now the EPS option is accessible directly from the GUI. Various other minor enhancements and bug fixes include changes to the operation the Advanced Options input screens and to the operation of the CANCEL button on various input screens. KNOWN PROBLEMS The only minor problem we are aware of with the GUI concerns operating it while also running Groupwise version 4.1 under Windows-98. In this particular situation the GUI still works, but after completing a NONROAD model run from the GUI and closing the DOS window, the GUI does not fully recognize that the model run is complete, and thus the output file details are not displayed and the "View Message File" button does not appear. However, you can still run the Reporting Utility at that point and import the .OUT file as usual. If you wish to view the Message file or see the date and size of the message and output files, you can simply close and re-open the GUI, and re-open the desired OPT file. The file details and "View Message File" button will then appear. If you notice any similar problem and you are not using Groupwise 4.1 email software, we would appreciate hearing from you about the problem. Thank you, NONROAD Engine Emission Modeling Team Assessment and Standards Division, US EPA Email: Fax: 734-214-4939 Web: US mail: US EPA Assessment and Standards Division 2000 Traverwood Drive Ann Arbor MI 48105