US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Mobile Sources NONROAD Emissions Inventory Model NR-NOTE3.TXT October 16, 1998 This is one item in a series of notes being issued concerning the DRAFT EPA NONROAD model, which was released on June 18, 1998, and distributed at the workshop in Chicago on June 25. Issues that were known at the time of release are covered in a separate Release Notes document, which was included on the distribution CD. 1) Reminder of review dates for technical reports Comments on the Draft EPA NONROAD model and most of the technical reports that were due by August 18, 1998. Comments on the three technical reports that were issued around early September are due November 15, 1998. These reports are: Geographic Allocation (NR-014), Refueling (NR-013), and Deterioration (NR-011). 2) Geographic Allocation Maps now available These maps are provided as an addendum to the technical report: "Geographic Allocation of State Level Nonroad Engine Population Data to the County Level," NR-014, that was recently released (9/16/98) for a 60 day review period. However, the posting of these maps does not constitute an extension of the 60 day review period. These maps show county-level indicators used in the model to allocate equipment population for the entire US. These GIF format files can be viewed using any web browser, many word processors such as WordPerfect or MS-Word, and most other software for viewing graphic image files. 3) Updated Model and Data Files The updated files listed below are ZIP'd to simplify some of the downloads and so that the date stamps on the data files will be the same on your computer after you download and unZIP them as they are on the EPA systems. This will help you keep track of the versions in use and will help us provide support as needed. If you are unfamiliar with unZIPing files, please see the information provided on the EPA NONROAD web site. 3a) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Updated (GUI02.ZIP -> NR-GUI.EXE) The new version allows running both the reporting utility and the core model directly from the GUI. Other changes include removing the need for user selection of an Output filename, since the GUI automatically forces this to be the same as the OPTion filename but with .OUT as the extension. The same name with a .MSG extension is given to the Message file. Also, bugs were fixed that would cause the GUI to crash if the user tried to Add Equipment without first specifying which equipment to add, and many of the Advanced Options were cleaned up to list the proper input files. The new file should be placed in your main \nonroad\ directory. 3b) Core Model Updated (NONRD02.ZIP -> NONROAD.EXE) The upper limit allowed for gasoline RVP has been increased from 14 to 16 psi. Also, the speed of the model has been greatly increased when doing multi-county or multi-state runs. The new file should be placed in your main \nonroad\ directory. Note that a future version of the core model and equipment population data files (*.POP) will allow different average horsepowers for each horsepower range within each equipment type (SCC). The version provided here just uses the midpoint of the HP range in all calculations, so your current POP files will work with this one, and modified POP files will be provided at the same time the newer core model is distributed. 3c) Reporting Utility Updated (REPORT02.ZIP -> REPORTS.MDB) Some small enhancements have been made to make it more user friendly and function more reliably with the Graphic User Interface. The new file should be placed in your \nonroad\reports\ subdirectory. 3d) Phase-in Data File Updated (TECH02.ZIP -> TECH.DAT) The diesel engine phase-in data was updated to use numbers from the recent final nonroad diesel rulemaking rather than the proposed rulemaking. Also, phase-in data for gasoline snowblowers was corrected (2-stroke and 4-stroke had been switched). The new file should be placed in your \nonroad\data\tech\ subdirectory. 3e) Emission Factor Files Updated (EMF02.ZIP -> *.EMF) In the exhaust THC, CO, NOx, and BSFC data files the emission factors for large 4-stroke spark-ignition engines (over 25 hp) were updated to match the test data from CARB (Southwest Research Institute report). For exhaust THC, CO, and NOx revisions were also made to the recreational marine inputs to reflect data collected in connection with the 1996 recreational marine final rule. Also, all emission factors for gasoline snowblowers were corrected (2-stroke and 4-stroke had been switched). Also, the crankcase emission factors (file crank.emf) were further updated to more accurately reflect small spark-ignition engine crankcase emission controls and allow modeling future years with or without including controls on crankcase emissions. These new files should be placed in your \nonroad\data\emsfac\ subdirectory. 3f) Deterioration Factor Files Updated (DET02.ZIP -> *.DET) The deterioration for inboard recreational marine engines (4-stroke gasoline, tech types M3, M10, M11, M12, and M16) was set equal to the other large 4-stroke engines in the model (tech type G4GT25). Also, for the large 4-stroke engines (G4GT25) the "b" factor in the deterioration equation was corrected from 1.0 to 0.5 per technical report NR-011. Lastly, all the small spark-ignition NOx deterioration factors were set to zero. Further changes to these small engine DF's for phase 2 controls are expected as that rule proceeds toward finalization. These new files should be placed in your \nonroad\data\detfac\ subdirectory. 3g) Seasonal Allocation File Updated (SEASON02.ZIP -> SEASON.DAT) The main change was to add the records necessary to allow US Total seasonal model runs. These inputs for FIPS code 00000 were derived by doing 50-State model runs for each month of the year plus one annual total run, and then calculating the ratio of the monthly 50-state to the annual 50-state emission totals for each type of equipment. One other change was to add records for commercial snowblowers (SCC 22xx004036). The new file should be placed in your \nonroad\data\season\ subdirectory. 3h) Activity File Updated (ACTIV02.ZIP -> ACTIVITY.DAT) The spark-ignition recreational marine engine activities were changed to match what was used in the 1996 EPA final rule. The new file should be placed in your \nonroad\data\activity\ subdirectory. Thank you, NONROAD Engine Emission Modeling Team Assessment and Modeling Division, US EPA Email: Fax: 734-214-4939 Web: US mail: US EPA Assessment and Modeling Division 2000 Traverwood Drive Ann Arbor MI 48105