February 26, 1997 Dear Addressee: This letter is to inform you of a public workshop to be held March 19 and 20, 1997, for the purpose of presenting and discussing planned revisions to MOBILE5a, the highway vehicle emission factor model. The workshop will be held from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm March 19, and 8:30 am to 3:00 pm March 20, at Powsley Auditorium in the Morris Lawrence Building of Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI. The workshop site is about 5 miles from the National Vehicle and Fuel Emission Laboratory, and about 2 miles north of I-94 (a map is enclosed for your use). MOBILE5a, the current release of highway vehicle emission factor model, was issued in March 1993. It was used by States and other parties to develop emission inventories and emission reduction plans required as part of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) process for nonattainment areas. The Office of Mobile Sources (OMS) would like to have the next version of the model, MOBILE6, released for use in the summer of 1998. While many of the planned revisions to the model are simply updates to various estimates, refined on the basis of more and more recent test data, there are a number of other, more significant changes also planned. We would like to encourage you and members of your staffs and constituent organizations to plan on attending the workshop in order for us to obtain the broadest feedback from stakeholders and users of the model. This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity for interested parties to hear more about OMS's plans with respect to updating and revising the model, and to solicit input and reaction to those plans. Another MOBILE6 workshop will be held late in 1997, and will be focused more on the analyses that were performed, their results, and the implications of those results for emission factor estimates. As described in the Federal Register notice of this workshop, which can be viewed at the EPA Web site (see http://www.epa.gov/OMSWWW/models.htm), there will also be one presentation on the second day (March 20) relating to EPA's plans for development of a nonroad mobile source emission inventory model. Development of that model is still at a very early stage, and input from stakeholders and potential users of that model will have a direct impact of how EPA proceeds with further development. This workshop is taking place at an early stage in MOBILE6's development, thus we do not expect to present significant results (data and analyses). Rather, the focus will be on planned data collection and analysis activities, the likely implications for modelers of the changes that are planned, and presentation of proposals for changes in the input data structure and requirements and the output produced by the model. For more information, please see http://www.epa.gov/OMSWWW/models.htm. We will be adding information to this site before the workshop, and encourage you to make use of the information that will be presented there both before and after the workshop. Thank you for your continuing interest in this program, and we hope to see you at the workshop. Sincerely, Philip A. Lorang, Director Assessment and Modeling Division Office of Mobile Sources