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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Braintree, MA., and Methuen, MA., Area Offices and the Washington Group International recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful American workplaces. OSHA and the Washington Group International therefore agree to form an Alliance for the purpose of using their collective expertise to help advance a culture of accident prevention while sharing best practices and technical knowledge including, but not limited to, the areas of cranes and rigging, hearing protection, ergonomics, and respiratory protection within the engineering and construction industry.

OSHA and the Washington Group International agree to establish an Alliance to promote safe and healthful working conditions for employees by:
  • Providing information and guidance to help engineering and construction industry employers provide safe and healthful working environments particularly in the areas of cranes and rigging, hearing protection needs, minimizing exposure to musculoskeletal hazards, and minimizing exposure to respiratory hazards.
  • Reaching out, and providing access to construction industry safety and health information and resources, to contractors who may benefit from mentoring or guidance in developing, implementing, or improving safety and health programs including but not limited to cranes and rigging, hearing protection, ergonomics, and respiratory protection.
  • Encourage employees and contractors to incorporate a proactive safety and health culture into their day-to-day operations.
OSHA and the Washington Group International will work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:
  • Provide and share information with OSHA personnel, industry safety and health practitioners and engineering and construction contractors in the Washington Group’s best practices and/or effective approaches in accident prevention.
  • Promote and encourage the Washington Group to participate in OSHA’s cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Program, Consultation, and SHARP. In addition, the Washington Group will act as mentors to the Washington Group’s contractors that aspire to excellence in construction safety and health.
OSHA and the Washington Group International will work together to achieve the following goals related to promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health:
  • Share information regarding the Washington Group’s engineering and construction safety and health best practices with others in the industry through outreach by the Washington Group and OSHA.
An implementation team made up of representatives of both organizations will meet to develop a plan of action, determine working procedures, and identify the roles and responsibilities of the participants. In addition, they will confer on a regular basis to track and share information on activities and results in achieving the goals of the Alliance. OSHA will afford the opportunity for representatives of the Massachusetts Consultation Program to participate as well.

This agreement will remain in effect for one year from the date of the signing and will automatically be renewed annually thereafter. This agreement may be modified at any time with the concurrence of all signatories and may be terminated for any reason with 30 days written notice from any of the signatories.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration   Washington Group International

Brenda J. Gordon
Area Director, Braintree OSHA Office

Bradley D. Giles, P.E., C.S.P.
Corporate Vice President
Environmental Safety and Health

Richard J. Fazzio
Area Director, Methuen OSHA Office

David P. Geller
Vice President
New Generation
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
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Washington, DC 20210