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Selected DBEDT Publications

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News Release Archive

Tourism Web Guide

Business Development Publications

Hawaii - Global Islands
Hawaii-Global Islands reviews the advantages of doing business in Hawaii. Knowledge-generated activities are being encouraged to complement traditional industries that have been based on tourism, agriculture and national defense. Hawaii will continue to build upon its physical and human assets for research and development, professional services, and commercial entrepreneurship. It is also creating business inducements and encouraging public-private sector partnerships to support a growing global business community.

Directory of Hawaii's Ocean Science and Technology Industry
There is a new look to the old Hawaii Ocean R&D Directory. The scope has been broadened to Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology (OST) to recognize that many companies have gone beyond the R&D stage and are commercializing products and services. It also recognizes the rising importance of the Hawaii organizations that serve the growing need for coastal resources management consulting and services.

Japanese Companies Registered to do Business in Hawaii Acrobat icon
Produced in cooperation with the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce (HJCC), the updated listing is useful for locally based companies to identify suppliers and other business partners. It also serves as an important tool in communicating a message about the variety of industries represented by Japanese companies in Hawaii.

Hawaii's Medical Service Providers
Hawaii's residents are among the healthiest in the nation, a quality attributable to the wonderful climate, an endless variety of health and fitness activities ranging from swimming to mountain biking, an emphasis on physical fitness, and the exceptional caliber of health care services. Nowhere else in the world can this combination, complemented by a multi-ethnic society, the finest travel accommodations and diversions, and the cultural sensitivity that makes every visitor feel welcome and comfortable, be found.

Hawaii Continuing and Elderly Care Services
Hawaii is known world-wide as a premier tropical vacation destination. Less well-known is that Hawaii's people are among the healthiest in the world and have some of the longest life expectancies. High on the list of services we offer is our attention to the needs of the senior population. This directory highlights the breadth and depth of expertise found in our state, expertise that we continue to share with our neighbors in Asia and the Pacific. Hawaii is a place where seniors can receive state-of-the-art medical and wellness services in a restful environment.

State of Hawaii Resort and Infrastructure Consultants
International developers and governments are invited to take advantage of Hawaii's wealth of experience in designing and developing world-class resorts and infrastructure projects. This guide provides information on each company and gives example of the projects each has completed.

Hawaii: Your Learning Destination
Hawaii's multi-cultural environment provides a comfortable and hospitable setting that blends the best of traditional island lifestyle with modern educational advances. This publication is a sampling of the many course offerings and programs available through Hawaii's educational institutions. Areas include English-as-a-Second Language, international business, professional advancement training, personal development, travel and tourism, outdoor recreation and world cultures.

Research and Economic Analysis Publications
State of Hawaii Data Book
The State of Hawaii Data Book is the official summary of statistics on the social, economic, and political organization of the State. As data become available, the report will be continually updated in this electronic report. This publication closely follows the organization and format of its counterpart, the Statistical Abstract of the United States, to facilitate comparison of State and national data.

State of Hawaii Facts & Figures
Produced by DBEDT's Research and Economic Analysis Division Library, the compact brochure highlights interesting and informative facts and figures relating to the state and local governments, Hawaii's economy and other issues useful to the business community and others looking to do business within the state.

Quarterly Statistical & Economic Report
DBEDT's Quarterly Statistical and Economic Report (QSER) provides concise statistical information and analyses through a web-based publication. The QSER includes annual projections evaluated quarterly and quantitative and qualitative assessments of Hawaii's economy in sections devoted to Labor Force and Jobs, Income and Prices, Tax Revenues, Tourism, Construction, and Other Indicators (currently limited to bankruptcy but foreign trade will soon be added). The QSER also includes an overview of the State of Hawaii and an overview and selected detailed data on the four counties.

Population and Economic Projections for the State of Hawaii to 2035
Produced by DBEDT's Research and Economic Analysis Division, this report presents the results and methodology of the 2035 Series of the DBEDT’s Population and Economic Projections for the State of Hawaii and its four counties. This is the seventh in a series of long-range projections dating back to the first report published in 1978.

Federal Activities in Hawaii
Federal spending in Hawaii reached $9 billion in 2000, an increase of 5.2 percent over 1999. This and other information about federal activities in Hawaii can be found at a new internet web page devoted to the subject. The web page also provides links to additional federal government information. Despite the declines in civilian jobs and military personnel, Federal activities have become very important to Hawaii's emerging high-tech industry. Through the concept of "Dual-Use Technology" new technologies that are developed for the military in partnership with Hawaii companies that may also have potential for civilian markets.

Hawaii's Economy - January 2000 Technology Issue Acrobat icon
Hawaii is making a strong effort through infrastructure support, university research, labor force training and other means, to support the growth of advanced technology enterprise in the State. This report was designed to make people aware of the tremendous opportunity and promise in the area of high technology. The effort is developing as a partnership between the private and public sectors and is structured around Hawaii's existing technology resources and competitive advantages. In addition to discussing the various areas of technology activity, the report presents a benchmark for future progress in growing the industry.

Science and Technology Publications
Science and Technology - The Key to Hawaii's Economic Future Acrobat icon
This 2001 document highlights the role of science and technology in Hawaii's economic future and focuses on the strategic assets, which form the basis for continued progress and development.

Energy, Environmental, and Engineering Technology & Services Export Directory - Second Edition (2001) Acrobat icon
The most comprehensive and current directory of Hawaii's energy and environmental businesses. The new Hawaii Energy, Environmental & Energy Technology Export Directory lists hundreds of businesses and almost 100 non-profit organizations and government offices actively involved in environmental enterprises.

Biotechnology in Hawaii: A Blueprint for Growth Acrobat icon
This December 1999 publication reports on Hawaii's growing biotechnology enterprise and its sectors - agriculture, marine sciences, human therapeutics, and the environment - as important sources of quality jobs and long term economic growth for Hawaii. The Hawaii-based biotechnology enterprise is destined to be a dominant technology industry in the next millennium. Hawaii is a logical candidate to excel in the global marketplace of biotechnology research, product development, and services, due to its strategic location in the Asia-Pacific and critical mass of life science research centers.

Economic Analysis

Hawaii's Emerging New Economy Acrobat icon
Printed in October 2000, this publication contains the latest available data on Hawaii's resurgent new economic strength. When the Cayetano administration took office in 1995, Hawaii was mired in a deep economic slump. Now Hawaii's economy is growing at its fastest pace since the late 1980s. Moreover, Hawaii's economy has become flexible, efficient and technologically ready for the 21st century. The report places special emphasis on continued high technology development using Hawaii's established assets in telecommunications, supercomputing, astronomy, ocean sciences, biotechnology, tropical agriculture, healthcare, information technology and abundant renewable resources.

Census and Population Information

Other Useful Sites

Last modified 06-30-2008 03:10 PM