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Hawaii's Educational Advantages
More Asian languages are taught at the University of Hawaii, than any other institution of higher learning in the United States. Its Chinese language program has no peer in the country.

The University of Hawaii is also among the top institutions in the nation for breakthrough research in reproductive biology, oceanography, astronomy, volcanology and advanced agricultural research and technology.

The University's College of Business Administration, International Business Program, has been placed in the top 20 in the nation, in the U.S. News and World Report's International Business Program rankings.

The University of Hawaii boasts one of the best Travel Industry Management schools in the country.

The Multi-Cultural Workforce of Hawaii
Hawaii has an ethnically diverse population with educational institutions and workforce training programs that provide a strong base for businesses to recruit multi-lingual and multi-cultural experienced employees.

This culturally diverse workforce makes Hawaii a global business paradise, especially for companies in need of multi-lingual resources. One in five residents in Hawaii is bilingual - fluent in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Filipino, Viet Namese, Laotian, Thai, or other minor language groups. This language diversity also supports a wide array of intercultural education and training, concentrated in a small geographical area, enabling quicker adaptation by newly arrived immigrants into the general population and overall workforce.

State-funded Training Programs
The State of Hawaii has invested in job training programs to provide employers with a qualified workforce, which is necessary for the success of a business enterprise.  The State Workforce Development Division assists in developing training courses, tailor-made for the needs of the employer.

One such program is the Employment & Training Fund (ETF). The ETF is a job skills upgrade program for current workers. Employers can receive customized training grants for their workplace or they can nominate a current worker for an established training course.

Last modified 06-06-2006 07:58 AM