WI FACETS' Parent Center Programs

  1. Public Awareness and Information Dissemination
  2. Parent Education
  3. Parent Support
  4. Promotion of partnership activities between parents and professionals
  5. Parent Leadership Development

1) Public Awareness and Information Dissemination

-  Public Awareness
Helping parents and the general public to understand the regular and special education needs of children through media outreach, audio-visual presentations, and working with other organizations and agencies.

-  Information and Referral
We respond to requests for information, assistance, resources and referrals regarding options, programs, services and resources available for children with disabilities and their families. WI FACETS does not provide legal advice. We assist with issue identification, problem-solving, research, generation of options and referrals. A toll-free line, 877-374-4677, is available to ensure statewide access to WI FACETS for parents and others.

-  Website
Our Web Page, http://www.wifacets.org, reaches within and beyond Wisconsin to those who use the Internet to seek information.

-  Reference Library
WI FACETS maintains a reference library of appropriate language and literacy materials (print, audio, video) about the educational and developmental needs of children with disabilities, including a list of national, state and local services and supports available.

-  Publications
WI FACETS' project brochures, training schedules, information packets are available for distribution at trainings, conferences, community fairs, etc.

-  Mailing List
Parents and others who contact WI FACETS will be added to our mailing list.


2) Parent Education

WI FACETS provides basic and specialized workshops listed below. Each workshop includes strategies for effective communication, problem solving and the importance of collaboration with professionals. See Event Schedule for scheduled workshops.

Basic Workshops
Provide a good basis to understand the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), provisions of the law including procedural safeguards, development of an IEP or IFSP, and the importance of parent participation.

-Special Education: Rights & Responsibilities

    Parents and educators learn their rights and roles related to rules and regulations related to the education of children with disabilities, focusing on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the importance of communication and collaboration. Two hours.

-IDEA Behind IEP's

    Parents and educators learn rules and regulations related to creating the Individualized Education Program to ensure quality education. Included are: determining present levels of performance, writing annual goals, benchmarks/short term objectives, transition considerations, behavioral plans, accommodations in assessments and parent participation. Two hours.

-IFSPs - Good Beginnings

    Parents of children with disabilities aged birth to three learn about their rights and roles related to Birth to Three services, the importance of building collaborative partnerships with professionals, creation of the IFSP, and strategies for effective transition into school programs. Two hours.

Specialized Workshops -
WI FACETS has other workshops relating to disabilities and other areas of special education.

-Transition to Independence

    Families, students with disabilities and others learn about post-secondary/vocational and rehabilitation services available after high school related to employment, independent living and community life. Two hours.

-Rights Under Section 504

    Parents learn why and how Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act impacts the education of children with disabilities; differences between Section 504 and IDEA; and "how Section 504 works to establish a "level playing field" by eliminating barriers that exclude persons with disabilities.

-Effective Communication

    Parents learn about effective communication strategies, including how to identify issues and interests before attending a school meeting, writing and telling views on an issue that will affect their child. Professionals become more aware of the parent perspective. Two hours.

-Early Conflict Resolution and the WSEMS

    A series of workshops are available related to mediation and early conflict resolution. The (WSEMS) Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System, CESA #7 and Marquette University Center for Dispute Resolution Education are partners with WI FACETS in this training. See www.marquette/wsems. One to six hours.

-Leadership Skills for Parents

    Five participants from each WI FACETS' Parent Center are selected by the Center Coordinator to participate in this annual training. Training includes special education, IEPs, IFSPs, problem solving, collaboration, communication and leadership. Parents learn how to help other families secure more appropriate services for children with disabilities. WI Coalition for Advocacy is a partner for this training.


    Students with disabilities learn their rights and responsibilities on reaching age 18. They begin to build the confidence necessary for self-determination as they transition to post-high school years where no adult entitlement exists.

Each of WI FACETS Centers is able to provide a number of free workshops annually. We welcome organizations and agencies to partner with us to defray training expenses. This allows us to serve more families. Call 877-374-4677 to find out if training is available in your location.


3) Parent Support

Supporting families and caregivers in becoming involved in their child's education and helping them prepare their child for success in school.

- Individual Assistance
We provide free one-to-one support to parents and professionals by phone and in-person. This includes providing a very limited amount of in-person support for families at school meetings and mediations. When parents ask for in-person support, our ability to attend meetings and mediations is based on the issues involved, staff availability and grant funds available. We are not able to attend due process hearings or resolution meetings.

- Support for Mediation
WI FACETS meets with families and others by phone or in person to encourage the use and explain the benefits of mediation, prepares them to participate in mediation and supports families during mediation sessions. WI FACETS has been a partner in the administration of the WI Special Education Mediation System since 1996.

- Support Groups
WI FACETS facilitates several culturally relevant parent support groups to share, learn and discuss ideas and strategies related to the challenges of parenting a child with disabilities and community resources available for families. Call 877-374-4766 toll free for locations of established parent support groups or to ask if WI FACETS can help you start a group in your area.   

4) Promotion of partnership activities between parents and professionals

WI FACETS supports the participation of parents to promote their perspective through participation on state and local task forces, committees and boards related to policy development and service planning.

WI FACETS-mentored parents and our staff serve on the following groups:

    Autism Society of WI, Autism Society of SE WI, Family Support Advisory Committee, Quality Education Coalition, Survival Coalition, State Superintendent's Council on Exceptional Education, WI Special Education Parent Advisory Council, WI Special Education Stakeholders Council.

5) Parent Leadership Development

We are developing a core of Parent Leaders statewide. They will be able to take leadership roles and assist families in their communities to secure more appropriate services for children with disabilities. At least 5 parents from each WI FACETS' Parent Center will receive annual in-depth training and support as Parent Leaders. WI Coalition for Advocacy is a partner for this training effort. Center Coordinators provide on-going mentoring to encourage parent-to-parent peer support and statewide leadership roles.

