Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Omnibus Survey
Household Survey Results
Marginal Frequency Distributions
December 2002

Section G - General Transportation Core Questions

Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0103 During November, did you drive or ride in a personal vehicle? (Examples of personal vehicles include a car, van, SUV, pickup truck, RV.)
Yes  1,073 191,217,727 95.27 0.706
No     52   9,488,973  4.73 0.706
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851A How many days did you drive or ride?
Count  1,063 189,796,837    
Mean 25.099      25.459    
Standard deviation  8.076       0.257    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile     24          25    
Median     30          30    
75th percentile     30          30    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0150 During November, did you drive or ride in an organized carpool or vanpool?
Yes     50   9,805,565  4.89 0.750
No  1,075 190,901,135 95.11 0.750
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851B How many days did you drive or ride?
Count     50   9,805,565    
Mean 11.100      11.676    
Standard deviation  9.790       1.489    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      3           3    
Median      7           7    
75th percentile     20          21    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0302 During November, did you ride on any public transit within a city or metropolitan area? Examples of public transit include a bus, rapid rail (subway, surface or elevated), light rail, commuter bus or rail from suburb to city.
Yes    161  30,573,232 15.25 1.186
No    962 169,912,930 84.75 1.186
Subtotal valid responses  1,123 200,486,162   100  
Don’t know      2     220,538    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851C How many days did you use it?
Count    160  30,419,385    
Mean  9.888      10.275    
Standard deviation  9.224       0.807    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      5           6    
75th percentile     20          20    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G3001A As opposed to other means of transportation, please tell me the main reason you used public transit last month.
Have no vehicle available     46   8,202,372 26.83 3.756
Cheaper/Costs less/Saves money/Parking too expensive     16   3,680,680 12.04 3.006
Faster than other means of transportation     13   3,621,656 11.85 3.229
More convenient than other means of transportation     67  11,127,139 36.40 4.099
Less impact on the environment than other means of transportation      3     662,961  2.17 1.332
Parking not available      4     749,155  2.45 1.221
Away from home on business or pleasure travel      7   1,662,114  5.44 2.100
Other      5     867,155  2.84 1.361
Subtotal valid responses    161  30,573,232   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    964 170,133,468    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G3051A Consider your most recent trip using public transit. What was the primary purpose of the trip?
Work/Work-related     62  11,045,094 36.31 4.169
Shopping     19   3,272,579 10.76 2.674
College/Other school      9   2,457,417  8.08 2.764
Medical services     10   2,013,299  6.62 2.173
Social, religious worship, personal business     52   9,930,253 32.64 4.060
Other      8   1,700,743  5.59 2.116
Subtotal valid responses    160  30,419,385   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      1     153,847    
Appropriate skip    964 170,133,468    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0201 During November, did you ride on a city-to-city bus, such as Greyhound?
Yes      8   1,667,104  0.83 0.364
No  1,116 198,892,585 99.17 0.364
Subtotal valid responses  1,124 200,559,689   100  
Don’t know      1     147,011    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851D How many days did you ride on it?
Count      8   1,667,104    
Mean  6.125       7.369    
Standard deviation  6.578       3.134    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           4    
Median      4           4    
75th percentile      8          12    
Maximum     20          20    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0902B And of these days, how many were for business or work?
Count      8   1,667,104    
Mean  2.500       1.501    
Standard deviation  4.140       0.890    
Minimum      0           0    
25th percentile      0           0    
Median  0.5             0    
75th percentile  3.5             1    
Maximum     12          12    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0210 During November, did you ride on a charter or tour bus line?
Yes     15   2,980,589  1.49 0.448
No  1,108 197,467,269 98.51 0.448
Subtotal valid responses  1,123 200,447,858   100  
Don’t know      2     258,842    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851O How many days did you ride on it?
Count     15   2,980,589    
Mean  5.667       5.906    
Standard deviation  7.853       2.174    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      1           1    
Median      2           2    
75th percentile      7           4    
Maximum     25          25    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0251 During November, did you ride on a city-to-city train, such as AMTRAK?
Yes     22   3,656,334  1.82 0.443
No  1,103 197,050,366 98.18 0.443
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851E How many days did you ride on it?
Count     22   3,656,334    
Mean  4.136       3.772    
Standard deviation  5.882       1.164    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      2           2    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum     20          20    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0902C And of these days, how many were for business or work?
Count     22   3,656,334    
Mean  3.045       2.628    
Standard deviation  6.351       1.268    
Minimum      0           0    
25th percentile      0           0    
Median      0           0    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum     20          20    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0880 In your area, do you have access to long distance, city-to-city train service such as AMTRAK?
Yes    553  97,322,017 51.57 1.615
No    508  91,413,368 48.43 1.615
Subtotal valid responses  1,061 188,735,385   100  
Don’t know     64  11,971,315    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0350 During November, did you fly on a commercial airline?
Yes    127  22,037,523 10.98 1.035
No    998 178,669,177 89.02 1.035
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851F How many days did you fly on a commercial airline?
Count    127  22,037,523    
Mean  2.890       2.800    
Standard deviation  3.050       0.248    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      2           2    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum     21          21    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0902D And of these days, how many were for business or work?
Count    127  22,037,523    
Mean  1.354       1.228    
Standard deviation  2.819       0.227    
Minimum      0           0    
25th percentile      0           0    
Median      0           0    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum     18          18    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0401 During November, did you fly on a charter, private, or corporate airplane or helicopter?
Yes     15   3,045,121  1.52 0.435
No  1,110 197,661,579 98.48 0.435
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851G How many days did you fly on a charter, private, or corporate airplane or helicopter?
Count     15   3,045,121    
Mean  2.733       2.567    
Standard deviation  2.017       0.359    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      2           2    
75th percentile      3           3    
Maximum      8           8    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0902E And of these days, how many were for business or work?
Count     15   3,045,121    
Mean  1.467       1.203    
Standard deviation  2.416       0.434    
Minimum      0           0    
25th percentile      0           0    
Median      0           0    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum      8           8    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0453 During November, did you drive or ride on a motorcycle, a motorized scooter, motorized bicycle, moped or all terrain vehicle?
Yes     91  16,832,138  8.39 0.952
No  1,034 183,874,562 91.61 0.952
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851H How many days did you drive or ride one of these vehicles?
Count     91  16,832,138    
Mean  5.945       5.699    
Standard deviation  5.934       0.576    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      4           4    
75th percentile     10           8    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0501 During November, did you ride a bicycle? Please do not include stationary bicycles.
Yes    116  21,934,894 10.94 1.053
No  1,008 178,646,170 89.06 1.053
Subtotal valid responses  1,124 200,581,064   100  
Don’t know      1     125,636    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0852I How many days did you ride a bicycle?
Count    116  21,934,894    
Mean  6.966       6.685    
Standard deviation  7.513       0.720    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      4           4    
75th percentile     10          10    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0952A Primarily for what purpose did you use it?
Commuting to work or school     12   2,863,672 13.06 3.946
Recreation     54  10,192,110 46.47 5.100
Exercise/for my health     37   6,540,736 29.82 4.696
Personal errands (to the store, post office, and so on)     11   1,819,024  8.29 2.526
Required for my job      0           0  0.00 0.000
Some other purpose      2     519,352  2.37 1.780
Subtotal valid responses    116  21,934,894   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,009 178,771,806    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1002C And on a typical day that you rode a bicycle, about how much time did you spend bicycling?
Count    115  21,632,291    
Mean  1.072       1.068    
Standard deviation  0.966       0.104    
Minimum  0.033       0.033    
25th percentile  0.5         0.5      
Median      1           1    
75th percentile      1           1    
Maximum      6           6    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1052A Did you bicycle mostly on:
Paved roads (not on shoulders of paved roads)     62  11,862,959 54.08 5.137
Shoulders of paved roads      9   2,176,619  9.92 3.626
Bike lanes on roads      5     785,736  3.58 1.740
Bike paths, walking paths or trails     27   4,514,090 20.58 4.008
Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)      5   1,053,358  4.80 2.163
Sidewalks      8   1,542,132  7.03 2.601
Grass      0           0  0.00 0.000
Other      0           0  0.00 0.000
Subtotal valid responses    116  21,934,894   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,009 178,771,806    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0551 During November, did you walk, run, or jog at least one time outside for 10 minutes or more? (such as to work, to a store or to a park)
Yes    756 136,344,160 68.03 1.527
No    368  64,085,509 31.97 1.527
Subtotal valid responses  1,124 200,429,669   100  
Don’t know      1     277,031    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851J How many days did you walk, run or jog?
Count    746 134,612,019    
Mean 13.505      13.757    
Standard deviation  9.454       0.402    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      5           5    
Median     10          12    
75th percentile     20          20    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1102A Primarily for what purpose did you walk, run, or jog?
Commuting to work or school     44   8,872,916  6.53 1.044
Recreation    112  20,795,134 15.29 1.467
Exercise/for my health    451  79,234,060 58.28 2.009
Personal errands (to the store, post office, walking the dog, and so on)    126  22,832,066 16.79 1.542
Required for my job     16   3,223,577  2.37 0.641
Some other purpose      4   1,005,214  0.74 0.402
Subtotal valid responses    753 135,962,967   100  
Don’t know      2     277,506    
Refused      1     103,687    
Appropriate skip    369  64,362,540    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1151C And on a typical day that you walked, ran, or jogged, about how much time did you spend walking, running, or jogging?
Count    747 134,828,361    
Mean  0.815       0.848    
Standard deviation  1.064       0.046    
Minimum  0.167       0.167    
25th percentile  0.333       0.333    
Median  0.5         0.5      
75th percentile      1           1    
Maximum     12          12    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1203A Did you walk, run, or jog mostly on:
Paved roads (not on shoulders of paved roads)    261  46,869,916 34.53 1.929
Shoulders of paved roads     36   6,003,126  4.42 0.792
Bike lanes on roads      2     204,039  0.15 0.107
Bike paths, walking paths or trails     75  12,136,034  8.94 1.152
Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)     52   9,371,421  6.90 1.031
Sidewalks    278  51,797,856 38.16 1.979
Track     20   3,867,374  2.85 0.700
Grass     26   5,041,995  3.71 0.776
Other      3     452,904  0.33 0.195
Subtotal valid responses    753 135,744,664   100  
Don’t know      3     599,496    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    369  64,362,540    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0702 During November, did you operate or ride on a recreational boat such as a motorboat, canoe, rowboat or sailboat?
Yes     32   5,983,735  2.98 0.600
No  1,093 194,722,965 97.02 0.600
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0852M How many days did you use a recreational boat?
Count     32   5,983,735    
Mean  4.250       3.779    
Standard deviation  5.848       0.901    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      1           1    
Median  2.5             2    
75th percentile      5           5    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1259C On a typical day that you went recreational boating, about how much time did you spend using the recreational boat?
Count     32   5,983,735    
Mean  4.188       4.093    
Standard deviation  2.299       0.430    
Minimum  0.5         0.5      
25th percentile      2           2    
Median      4           4    
75th percentile      6           6    
Maximum     10          10    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0652 During November, did you operate or ride on a personal watercraft such as a jetski, skidoo or waverunner?
Yes      5     972,715  0.48 0.274
No  1,120 199,733,985 99.52 0.274
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0852L How many days did you use a personal watercraft?
Count      5     972,715    
Mean  1.600       1.705    
Standard deviation  0.894       0.260    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      1           1    
Median      1           2    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum      3           3    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G1252C On a typical day that you went personal watercrafting, about how much time did you spend using the personal watercraft?
Count      5     972,715    
Mean  3.400       2.230    
Standard deviation  2.408       0.793    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           1    
Median      2           1    
75th percentile      6           2    
Maximum      6           6    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0601 During November, did you ride on a commercial boat, ship or ferry?
Yes     24   4,655,334  2.32 0.556
No  1,101 196,051,366 97.68 0.556
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851K How many days did you ride on a commercial boat, ship, or ferry?
Count     24   4,655,334    
Mean  3.250       3.044    
Standard deviation  3.904       0.824    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      1           1    
Median  1.5             2    
75th percentile  3.5             3    
Maximum     15          15    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0555 During November, did you ride as a passenger on a cruise ship?
Yes      4     551,254  0.27 0.152
No  1,121 200,155,446 99.73 0.152
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0851P How many days did you ride as a passenger on a cruise ship?
Count      4     551,254    
Mean  8.250       7.091    
Standard deviation  4.717       1.742    
Minimum      4           4    
25th percentile  5.5             4    
Median      7           7    
75th percentile     11           7    
Maximum     15          15    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G0752 During November, did you use any other means of transportation? For example a taxi, limousine, hotel or airport shuttle, or any other means of transportation that I may not have mentioned to you.
Yes    167  28,712,901 14.31 1.150
No    958 171,993,799 85.69 1.150
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2005 You said you drove or rode in a personal vehicle last month. Did you also drive or ride in a personal vehicle a year ago?
Yes  1,029 181,976,753 95.35 0.812
No     42   8,877,226  4.65 0.812
Subtotal valid responses  1,071 190,853,979   100  
Don’t know      2     363,748    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip     52   9,488,973    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2012 Considering all the costs associated with driving or riding in a personal vehicle, would you say it cost more or less in November than it did a year ago?
Cost less    130  24,471,698 14.33 1.297
Cost the same    259  42,598,721 24.94 1.494
Cost more    575 103,720,177 60.73 1.726
Subtotal valid responses    964 170,790,596   100  
Don’t know     64  11,099,772    
Refused      1      86,385    
Appropriate skip     96  18,729,947    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2021 In terms of security from crime or terrorism, did you feel more secure or less secure driving or riding in a personal vehicle in November than a year ago?
Less secure    141  26,433,997 14.77 1.261
Same    631 109,545,347 61.22 1.714
More secure    238  42,947,729 24.00 1.515
Subtotal valid responses  1,010 178,927,073   100  
Don’t know     18   2,913,455    
Refused      1     136,225    
Appropriate skip     96  18,729,947    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2041 In terms of safety from accidents, did you feel more safe or less safe driving or riding in a personal vehicle in November than you did a year ago?
Less safe    244  44,631,928 24.61 1.522
Same    561  96,268,300 53.07 1.722
More safe    219  40,486,750 22.32 1.462
Subtotal valid responses  1,024 181,386,978   100  
Don’t know      5     589,775    
Refused     96           0    
Appropriate skip      0  18,729,947    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2061 In terms of travel time, would you say you were more likely or less likely to get where you wanted to go in a reasonable length of time in November than a year ago?
Less likely    266  48,980,164 27.25 1.547
Same    505  86,496,494 48.13 1.720
More likely    245  44,242,459 24.62 1.503
Subtotal valid responses  1,016 179,719,117   100  
Don’t know     13   2,257,636    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip     96  18,729,947    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2081 In terms of convenience, would you say it was more convenient or less convenient to drive or ride in a personal vehicle in November than it was a year ago?
Less convenient    190  34,231,880 18.92 1.366
Same    501  84,765,357 46.86 1.726
More convenient    331  61,888,459 34.21 1.688
Subtotal valid responses  1,022 180,885,696   100  
Don’t know      7   1,091,057    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip     96  18,729,947    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2092 Now please tell me, when you travel by personal vehicle, which one of the following is most important to you?
The cost of the travel     51   9,476,104  5.28 0.790
Your safety from terrorism or crime     60   9,679,136  5.39 0.759
Your safety from accidents    301  53,586,531 29.84 1.589
The amount of time it takes to complete the travel    112  21,429,875 11.93 1.188
The convenience of traveling by personal vehicle    492  85,415,266 47.56 1.740
Subtotal valid responses  1,016 179,586,912   100  
Don’t know     10   1,967,450    
Refused      3     422,391    
Appropriate skip     96  18,729,947    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2105 You said you used public transit in November. Did you use public transit a year ago?
Yes    122  23,353,623 77.98 3.561
No     36   6,593,148 22.02 3.561
Subtotal valid responses    158  29,946,771   100  
Don’t know      3     626,461    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    964 170,133,468    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2111 Considering the cost of using public transit, would you say it cost more or less in November than it did a year ago?
Cost less      7   1,290,506  5.58 2.154
Cost the same     59  11,427,376 49.37 5.068
Cost more     55  10,427,013 45.05 5.030
Subtotal valid responses    121  23,144,895   100  
Don’t know      1     208,728    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,003 177,353,077    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2121 In terms of security from crime or terrorism, did you feel more secure or less secure using public transit in November than a year ago?
Less secure     28   6,057,717 26.33 4.642
Same     59  11,038,522 47.97 5.079
More secure     33   5,912,963 25.70 4.315
Subtotal valid responses    120  23,009,202   100  
Don’t know      2     344,421    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,003 177,353,077    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2141 In terms of safety from accidents, did you feel more safe or less safe using public transit in November than you did a year ago?
Less safe     19   3,339,617 14.36 3.295
Same     69  13,521,517 58.16 4.927
More safe     33   6,387,684 27.48 4.469
Subtotal valid responses    121  23,248,818   100  
Don’t know      1     104,805    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,003 177,353,077    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2162 In terms of travel time, would you say you were more likely or less likely to get where you wanted to go in a reasonable length of time using public transit in November than a year ago?
Less likely     33   6,609,810 28.96 4.643
Same     51   9,720,287 42.59 5.031
More likely     36   6,494,601 28.45 4.498
Subtotal valid responses    120  22,824,698   100  
Don’t know      2     528,925    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,003 177,353,077    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2181 In terms of quality of service, would you say the quality of service you received using public transit in November was better or worse than a year ago?
Worse     18   3,371,104 14.44 3.356
Same     64  12,769,142 54.68 4.973
Better     40   7,213,377 30.89 4.549
Subtotal valid responses    122  23,353,623   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,003 177,353,077    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2192 Now please tell me, when you use public transit, which one of the following is most important to you?
The cost of the travel     11   2,491,196 11.13 3.346
Your safety from terrorism or crime     14   2,411,023 10.78 2.954
Your safety from accidents     12   2,709,051 12.11 3.582
The amount of time it takes to complete the travel     24   4,831,153 21.59 4.221
The convenience of traveling by public transit     45   8,126,646 36.32 4.919
The level of customer service you receive     13   1,806,955  8.08 2.352
Subtotal valid responses    119  22,376,024   100  
Don’t know      2     536,578    
Refused      1     441,021    
Appropriate skip  1,003 177,353,077    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2205 You said you flew in November. Did you fly a year ago?
Yes     94  16,132,869 73.21 4.558
No     33   5,904,654 26.79 4.558
Subtotal valid responses    127  22,037,523   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    998 178,669,177    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2211 Considering the cost of flying on a commercial airline, would you say it cost more or less in November than it did a year ago?
Cost less     24   3,759,269 23.97 4.923
Cost the same     24   4,377,981 27.92 5.342
Cost more     42   7,543,757 48.11 5.877
Subtotal valid responses     90  15,681,007   100  
Don’t know      4     451,862    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,031 184,573,831    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2221 In terms of security from crime or terrorism, did you feel more secure or less secure flying on a commercial airline in November than a year ago?
Less secure     19   3,375,352 20.92 4.658
Same     25   4,183,067 25.93 4.997
More secure     50   8,574,450 53.15 5.763
Subtotal valid responses     94  16,132,869   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,031 184,573,831    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2241 In terms of safety from accidents, did you feel more safe or less safe flying on a commercial airline in November than a year ago?
Less safe     16   2,907,432 18.02 4.460
Same     53   8,641,484 53.56 5.791
More safe     25   4,583,953 28.41 5.464
Subtotal valid responses     94  16,132,869   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,031 184,573,831    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2261 In terms of travel time, would you say you were more likely or less likely to get where you wanted to go in a reasonable length of time in November than a year ago?
Less likely     36   6,352,556 39.87 5.700
Same     31   5,200,790 32.64 5.444
More likely     26   4,378,335 27.48 5.223
Subtotal valid responses     93  15,931,681   100  
Don’t know      1     201,188    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,031 184,573,831    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2281 In terms of quality of service, would you say the quality of service you received flying on a commercial airline in November was better or worse than a year ago?
Worse     32   5,050,910 31.31 5.172
Same     31   5,372,183 33.30 5.431
Better     31   5,709,776 35.39 5.668
Subtotal valid responses     94  16,132,869   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,031 184,573,831    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
G2292 Now please tell me, when you travel by commercial airline, which one of the following is most important to you?
The cost of the travel     18   3,018,380 18.71 4.489
Your safety from terrorism or crime     20   3,189,480 19.77 4.496
Your safety from accidents     21   3,721,652 23.07 4.864
The amount of time it takes to complete the travel     10   1,954,415 12.11 3.875
The convenience of traveling by air     22   3,598,073 22.30 4.726
The level of customer service you receive      3     650,869  4.03 2.750
Subtotal valid responses     94  16,132,869   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,031 184,573,831    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    

Section B - BTS Topical Transportation Questions

Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0103 Last month did you commute, that is, travel routinely from home to work?
Yes    720 132,520,661 66.03  1.548
No    405  68,186,039 33.97  1.548
Subtotal valid responses  1,125 200,706,700   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0153 Altogether, about how many days did you commute to work last month?
Count    716 132,014,596    
Mean 20.291      20.300    
Standard deviation  5.554       0.240    
Minimum      2           2    
25th percentile     19          20    
Median     20          20    
75th percentile     24          24    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0310 Did you work at the same location on most days?
Yes    641 117,820,270 88.97  1.309
No     78  14,607,677 11.03  1.309
Subtotal valid responses    719 132,427,947   100  
Don’t know      1      92,714    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    405  68,186,039    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0315 Did you work at more than one location on a typical day?
Yes     49   8,933,713 60.77  6.086
No     30   5,766,678 39.23  6.086
Subtotal valid responses     79  14,700,391   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,046 186,006,309    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0320C On a typical day, how much time did you spend traveling from worksite to worksite?
Count     48   8,816,295    
Mean  1.478       1.306    
Standard deviation  1.393       0.185    
Minimum  0.083       0.083    
25th percentile  0.417       0.417    
Median      1           1    
75th percentile      2           2    
Maximum      7           7    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0352C On a typical day, how much time did a one-way, door-to-door trip from home to work take?
Count    668 122,784,658    
Mean  0.450       0.448    
Standard deviation  0.377       0.016    
Minimum  0.017       0.017    
25th percentile  0.250       0.25     
Median  0.333       0.333    
75th percentile  0.500       0.500    
Maximum      4           4    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0370 Do you ever telecommute? That is, do you ever work at home for pay for your employer instead of working at the office? (This does not include taking work home at night or over the weekend or self-employed persons who work at home.)
Yes     91  14,457,047  7.21  0.814
No  1,033 185,928,569 92.79  0.814
Subtotal valid responses  1,124 200,385,616   100  
Don’t know      1     321,084    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0361 Do you telecommute occasionally, on a regular basis or fixed schedule, or full time?
Occasionally     58   9,740,463 67.38  5.331
On a regular basis or fixed schedule     24   3,485,934 24.11  4.781
Full time      9   1,230,650  8.51  3.233
Subtotal valid responses     91  14,457,047   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,034 186,249,653    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0362 About how many days did you telecommute in the past month?
Count     82  12,618,226    
Mean  8.012       7.357    
Standard deviation  8.202       0.839    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      2           1    
Median      4           4    
75th percentile     14          10    
Maximum     30          30    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0365 Do you ever work at a telework center or satellite office? That is, do you ever work at an office other than your regular office to reduce your commute?
Yes     25   4,118,165  2.06  0.462
No  1,099 196,250,998 97.94  0.462
Subtotal valid responses  1,124 200,369,163   100  
Don’t know      1     337,537    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0366 How often do you work at a telework center or satellite office? Would you say
Occasionally     19   3,065,564 78.06  9.442
On a regular basis or fixed schedule      3     547,741 13.95  8.215
Full time      2     314,021  8.00  5.571
Subtotal valid responses     24   3,927,326   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      1     190,839    
Appropriate skip  1,100 196,588,535    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B0368 About how many days did you work at a telework center or satellite office in the past month?
Count     22   3,772,586    
Mean  6.409       7.234    
Standard deviation  7.294       1.512    
Minimum      1           1    
25th percentile      1           2    
Median  3.5             4    
75th percentile     10          10    
Maximum     25          25    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2311A In what month and year was your most recent commercial airline flight?
Less than three months ago    230  39,360,956 22.41  1.450
More than three months ago but less than one year ago    182  30,581,036 17.41  1.308
One year ago     12   1,950,138  1.11  0.361
More than one year ago    388  71,273,124 40.57  1.758
Have never flown on a commercial airline    171  32,514,079 18.51  1.388
Subtotal valid responses    983 175,679,333   100  
Don’t know    142  25,027,367    
Refused      0           0    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2321 Was the primary purpose of your trip business or work related?
Yes, business/job related    104  17,664,622 24.57  2.280
No    320  54,227,508 75.43  2.280
Subtotal valid responses    424  71,892,130   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2333 Still thinking of your most recent flight in which of the following sections was your seat located:
Economy or coach section (also sometimes called the main cabin)    347  58,609,161 82.74  1.995
First class section     16   2,457,460  3.47  0.930
There were no sections in the plane; all seats were in the same section     50   9,146,105 12.91  1.800
Other      6     623,211  0.88  0.390
Subtotal valid responses    419  70,835,937   100  
Don’t know      5   1,056,193    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2334 Was your seat located in any of the following areas:
Business class section      0           0  0.00  0.000
Flight attendant’s      1      89,153 18.26 17.453
Flight crew section or “cockpit”      1     171,220 35.06 26.651
None of the sections      2     227,953 46.68 26.257
Subtotal valid responses      4     488,326   100  
Don’t know      2     134,885    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip  1,119 200,083,489    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2341 Did the price paid for the airline ticket carry any restrictions? For example, did you have to book your trip two weeks in advance, were you required to stay overnight on a Friday or Saturday, or were you prohibited from changing your ticket without paying a penalty?
Yes    240  40,444,330 63.57  2.793
No    132  23,177,332 36.43  2.793
Subtotal valid responses    372  63,621,662   100  
Don’t know     52   8,270,468    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2601C How soon before your most recent flight did you arrive at the airport?
Count    420  71,563,619    
Mean  1.732       1.741    
Standard deviation  0.706       0.038    
Minimum  0.017       0.017    
25th percentile  1.500       1.500    
Median  2.000       2.000    
75th percentile  2.000       2.000    
Maximum      5           5    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2701C How long did you wait in line to go through the passenger screening checkpoint for your most recent flight? The checkpoint we are referring to is the only one where you must walk through a metal detector and your carry-on items are x-rayed. How long did you wait?
Count    419  70,943,908    
Mean  0.301       0.307    
Standard deviation  0.319       0.020    
Minimum  0.017       0.017    
25th percentile  0.083       0.083    
Median  0.167       0.167    
75th percentile  0.500       0.500    
Maximum      2           2    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2751 How did you feel about the amount of time spent waiting in line at the passenger screening checkpoint? Did you feel the amount of time was
Less than you expected    177  30,343,559 42.21  2.683
About what you expected    206  34,724,749 48.30  2.703
More than you expected     41   6,823,822  9.49  1.555
Subtotal valid responses    424  71,892,130   100  
Don’t know      0           0    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2801 How would you rate the thoroughness of the screening process? Would you rate it
Inadequate   9,301,792 12.95  1.745
Adequate  56,354,488 78.48  2.184
Excessive   6,147,646  8.56  1.523
Subtotal valid responses  71,803,926   100  
Don’t know      88,204    
Refused           0    
Appropriate skip 128,814,570    
Total 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2852 How would you describe your level of confidence in the ability of the passenger screeners to keep air travel secure from individuals with hostile intentions?
No confidence     24   3,975,502  5.54  1.179
A small amount of confidence     84  14,193,249 19.80  2.154
A moderate amount of confidence    188  31,029,071 43.28  2.676
A great deal of confidence     98  17,582,283 24.52  2.351
Total confidence     28   4,921,075  6.86  1.420
Subtotal valid responses    422  71,701,180   100  
Don’t know      1      87,263    
Refused      1     103,687    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2900 How satisfied were you with the courtesy of the screeners at the passenger screening checkpoint? Were you
Very unsatisfied     13   2,119,298  2.96  0.903
Somewhat unsatisfied     23   4,292,452  5.99  1.388
Neither unsatisfied nor satisfied     52   9,219,289 12.87  1.842
Somewhat satisfied    161  27,232,839 38.03  2.639
Very satisfied    173  28,751,922 40.15  2.634
Subtotal valid responses    422  71,615,800   100  
Don’t know      1     172,643    
Refused      1     103,687    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2950 How satisfied were you overall with your experience at the passenger screening checkpoint? Were you
Very unsatisfied     12   2,186,775  3.06  0.943
Somewhat unsatisfied     34   6,018,863  8.41  1.548
Neither unsatisfied nor satisfied     46   6,671,110  9.32  1.419
Somewhat satisfied    185  32,024,328 44.76  2.699
Very satisfied    144  24,640,337 34.44  2.565
Subtotal valid responses    421  71,541,413   100  
Don’t know      2     263,460    
Refused      1      87,257    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B2977 How consistent have screening procedures been in airports you have departed from? Have they been
Very inconsistent     45   7,709,423 11.09  1.711
Somewhat inconsistent     74  11,764,046 16.92  2.042
Somewhat consistent    157  27,619,070 39.73  2.710
Very consistent    135  22,428,186 32.26  2.551
Subtotal valid responses    411  69,520,725   100  
Don’t know     13   2,371,405    
Refused      0           0    
Appropriate skip    701 128,814,570    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B3001 How would you describe your level of confidence in the ability of the passenger screeners to keep air travel secure from individuals with hostile intentions?
No confidence     56   9,832,568  8.35  1.167
A small amount of confidence    116  20,356,390 17.29  1.652
A moderate amount of confidence    274  53,247,234 45.22  2.195
A great deal of confidence     97  17,692,563 15.02  1.571
Total confidence     95  16,631,795 14.12  1.509
Subtotal valid responses    638 117,760,550   100  
Don’t know     53   9,174,005    
Refused     10   1,880,015    
Appropriate skip    424  71,892,130    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
B3100 Have the changes in passenger screening procedures since September 11 made you
Less inclined to travel by commercial airline    272  47,809,958 24.80  1.461
Have had no effect on your commercial airline travel    748 133,525,059 69.25  1.564
More inclined to travel by commercial airline     65  11,471,929  5.95  0.814
Subtotal valid responses  1,085 192,806,946   100  
Don’t know     31   6,111,279    
Refused      9   1,788,475    
Total  1,125 200,706,700    

Section SS - Strategic Goal Section

Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0101 Using a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means not at all concerned and 5 means very concerned, please tell me how concerned you are about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
SS0401 The risk of being in any kind of transportation accident.
1 Not at all concerned   114  19,335,642  9.72 0.974
2   187  33,851,448 17.01 1.257
3   357  61,468,768 30.89 1.532
4   165  30,041,867 15.10 1.205
5 Very concerned   293  54,266,779 27.27 1.479
Subtotal valid responses 1,116 198,964,504   100  
Don't know     8   1,448,174    
Refused     1     294,022    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0151 Safety risks associated with unskilled or impaired pilots, drivers, or other transportation operators.
1 Not at all concerned   128  23,016,475 11.69 1.097
2   161  28,628,207 14.54 1.179
3   287  49,091,745 24.94 1.430
4   165  29,202,565 14.83 1.194
5 Very concerned   363  66,917,020 33.99 1.590
Subtotal valid responses 1,104 196,856,012   100  
Don't know    19   3,467,126    
Refused     2     383,562    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0252 Safety risks due to mechanical equipment failure.
1 Not at all concerned   167  29,751,283 15.01 1.180
2   238  42,042,661 21.21 1.353
3   266  47,156,674 23.79 1.420
4   170  30,974,900 15.63 1.245
5 Very concerned   268  48,282,944 24.36 1.443
Subtotal valid responses 1,109 198,208,462   100  
Don't know    15   2,356,750    
Refused     1     141,488    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0201 Safety risks due to the dangerous behavior of others (such as aggression, road rage, air rage, and drunk driving).
1 Not at all concerned    79  13,241,646  6.62 0.816
2   118  20,873,973 10.44 0.992
3   253  46,131,290 23.07 1.409
4   246  43,408,472 21.71 1.365
5 Very concerned   424  76,323,880 38.17 1.613
Subtotal valid responses 1,120 199,979,261   100  
Don't know     4     585,951    
Refused     1     141,488    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0450 Safety risks due to the poor condition of roads, runways, or rail lines.
1 Not at all concerned   138  22,585,114 11.32 1.006
2   254  44,715,986 22.40 1.386
3   306  54,877,923 27.50 1.488
4   158  29,745,701 14.90 1.201
5 Very concerned   263  47,658,933 23.88 1.442
Subtotal valid responses 1,119 199,583,657   100  
Don't know     6   1,123,043    
Refused     0           0    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0301 Safety risks from hazardous chemicals released in a transportation accident.
1 Not at all concerned   273  47,095,121 23.71 1.399
2   253  45,545,995 22.93 1.401
3   206  35,031,417 17.64 1.253
4   136  24,329,672 12.25 1.092
5 Very concerned   244  46,593,743 23.46 1.462
Subtotal valid responses 1,112 198,595,948   100  
Don't know    13   2,110,752    
Refused     0           0    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS0500 Safety risks from large fuel or natural gas pipelines in your community.
1 Not at all concerned   424  74,838,010 37.71 1.605
2   201  36,345,741 18.31 1.290
3   183  30,620,114 15.43 1.171
4    81  15,364,210  7.74 0.931
5 Very concerned   224  41,310,979 20.81 1.379
Subtotal valid responses 1,113 198,479,054   100  
Don't know    11   2,131,444    
Refused     1      96,202    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1010 Now using a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means very dissatisfied and 5 means very satisfied, please tell me how satisfied you are about what the Federal government is doing to address the following transportation safety issues:
SS1050 Establishing effective passenger vehicle safety standards.
1 Very dissatisfied    90  16,795,454  8.65 0.967
2   126  22,437,778 11.55 1.089
3   436  76,566,408 39.42 1.643
4   249  44,474,813 22.90 1.414
5 Very satisfied   191  33,969,884 17.49 1.279
Subtotal valid responses 1,092 194,244,337   100  
Don't know    32   6,353,047    
Refused     1     109,316    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1100 Establishing effective safety standards for large trucks.
1 Very dissatisfied   153  27,958,981 14.77 1.218
2   180  31,448,978 16.61 1.286
3   406  72,082,760 38.07 1.663
4   151  28,153,382 14.87 1.232
5 Very satisfied   167  29,709,620 15.69 1.223
Subtotal valid responses 1,057 189,353,721   100  
Don't know    66  10,947,344    
Refused     2     405,635    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1300 Establishing effective safety standards for airport security.
1 Very dissatisfied   109  19,156,246  9.82 1.014
2   143  24,820,013 12.72 1.106
3   322  58,853,431 30.16 1.558
4   281  48,814,237 25.02 1.441
5 Very satisfied   244  43,487,324 22.29 1.395
Subtotal valid responses 1,099 195,131,251   100  
Don't know    26   5,575,449    
Refused     0           0    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1150 Ensuring the safe take-off and landing of aircraft through the air traffic control system.
1 Very dissatisfied    67  11,670,848  6.10 0.827
2    99  16,394,987  8.57 0.909
3   341  61,670,134 32.24 1.602
4   318  55,771,424 29.16 1.533
5 Very satisfied   250  45,780,323 23.93 1.467
Subtotal valid responses 1,075 191,287,716   100  
Don't know    50   9,418,984    
Refused     0           0    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1350 Ensuring the safety of commercial aircraft passengers.
1 Very dissatisfied   104  18,222,186  9.34 0.985
2   114  19,819,223 10.16 1.021
3   307  56,254,485 28.85 1.539
4   317  55,027,118 28.22 1.499
5 Very satisfied   254  45,683,355 23.43 1.421
Subtotal valid responses 1,096 195,006,367   100  
Don't know    28   5,414,376    
Refused     1     285,957    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1250 Ensuring the safe transportation of hazardous chemicals.
Very dissatisfied   127  23,338,874 12.50 1.150
Somewhat dissatisfied   162  28,314,792 15.16 1.210
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied   342  59,908,790 32.08 1.614
Somewhat satisfied   224  39,806,513 21.32 1.407
Very satisfied   193  35,372,920 18.94 1.369
Subtotal valid responses 1,048 186,741,889   100  
Don't know    76  13,678,854    
Refused     1     285,957    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
SS1200 Assuring the safety of large fuel and natural gas pipelines in your community.
1 Very dissatisfied   104  19,902,559 10.65 1.098
2   130  22,952,366 12.28 1.132
3   339  59,283,176 31.73 1.603
4   235  41,247,325 22.08 1.430
5 Very satisfied   238  43,449,373 23.26 1.464
Subtotal valid responses 1,046 186,834,799   100  
Don't know    76  13,267,378    
Refused     3     604,523    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    

Section M - Operating Administration Modal Questions

Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
MNH0510 Have you driven a vehicle in the last twelve months?
Yes 1,029 182,920,028 91.41 0.952
No    94  17,190,526  8.59 0.952
Subtotal valid responses 1,123 200,110,554   100  
Don't know     0           0    
Refused     2     596,146    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
MNH0580 In the last 12 months, have you been involved in a crash in a vehicle where you were the driver?
Yes   106  20,291,026 11.09 1.133
No   923 162,629,002 88.91 1.133
Subtotal valid responses 1,029 182,920,028   100  
Don’t know     0           0    
Refused     0           0    
Appropriate skip    96  17,786,672    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
MNH0600 In the last 12 months, have you been involved in a near miss in a vehicle where you were the driver?
Yes   339  62,130,932 34.02 1.662
No   689 120,524,040 65.98 1.662
Subtotal valid responses 1,028 182,654,972   100  
Don’t know     1     265,056    
Refused     0           0    
Appropriate skip    96  17,786,672    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    

Section D - Demographic Questions

Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0061 How many registered road vehicles are available for regular use by members of your household?
Count 1,111 197,269,477    
Mean 1.951       2.108    
Standard deviation 1.158       0.041    
Minimum     0           0    
25th percentile     1           1    
Median     2           2    
75th percentile     2           3    
Maximum    10          10    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0104 Do you have any kind of disability or health impairment?
Yes    98  15,382,493   7.81 0.856
No 1,013 181,658,150  92.19 0.856
Subtotal valid responses 1,111 197,040,643    100  
Don’t know     1     277,031    
Refused    13   3,389,026    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D1101 Have air travel passenger screening procedures changed for you since September 11, 2001?
Yes    17   2,985,591  64.91 9.816
No    11   1,614,107  35.09 9.816
Subtotal valid responses    28   4,599,698    100  
Don’t know     0           0    
Refused     0           0    
Appropriate skip 1,097 196,107,002    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0110 Does anyone else currently living in your household, including children, have any kind of disability or health impairment?
Yes    66  14,049,168   7.13 0.937
No 1,045 182,991,475  92.87 0.937
Subtotal valid responses 1,111 197,040,643    100  
Don’t know     1     277,031    
Refused    13   3,389,026    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0105 How many other people (besides yourself)?
Count    66  14,049,168    
Mean 1.152       1.156    
Standard deviation 0.402       0.058    
Minimum     1           1    
25th percentile     1           1    
Median     1           1    
75th percentile     1           1    
Maximum     3           3    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0106 Does anyone in the household use adaptive equipment in any motor vehicle (for example hand controls, modified foot pedals, or a wheelchair lift)?
Yes     5     731,578   2.80 1.300
No   144  25,366,229  97.20 1.300
Subtotal valid responses   149  26,097,807    100  
Don’t know     0           0    
Refused     0           0    
Appropriate skip   976 174,608,893    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0107 We may conduct another study soon that focuses on transportation use among persons with disabilities or health impairments. Your household’s experience and opinions on this critically important topic would be of great value. May we contact your household for this study?
Yes    93  16,487,067  63.96 4.455
No    55   9,289,656  36.04 4.455
Subtotal valid responses   148  25,776,723    100  
Don’t know     1     321,084    
Refused     0           0    
Appropriate skip   976 174,608,893    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0251 How many people aged 18 or older live in your household, including yourself?
Count 1,108 195,986,743    
Mean 1.930       2.225    
Standard deviation 0.806       0.034    
Minimum     1           1    
25th percentile     1           2    
Median     2           2    
75th percentile     2           3    
Maximum     6           6    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0300 Please stop me when I reach the category that includes your age:
18 to 24 years    98  25,160,098  12.87 1.331
25 to 34   189  35,880,116  18.36 1.307
35 to 44   255  44,283,000  22.66 1.380
45 to 54   217  35,688,529  18.26 1.251
55 to 64   137  22,054,555  11.28 0.991
65 to 74   122  20,777,055  10.63 0.999
75 or older    87  11,596,305   5.93 0.676
Subtotal valid responses 1,105 195,439,658    100  
Don’t know     2     448,729    
Refused    18   4,818,313    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0350 Are you male or female?
Male   505  94,790,883  47.23 1.650
Female   620 105,915,817  52.77 1.650
Subtotal valid responses 1,125 200,706,700    100  
Don’t know     0           0    
Refused     0           0    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0404 Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?
Yes   106  19,396,481   9.98 1.005
No   995 174,897,268  90.02 1.005
Subtotal valid responses 1,101 194,293,749    100  
Don’t know     5     908,975    
Refused    19   5,503,976    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0402 Is the racial group that best describes you...
D0402A American Indian (Native American) or Alaska Native
Yes    19   2,946,791   1.72 0.411
No   974 168,513,568  98.28 0.411
Subtotal valid responses   993 171,460,359    100  
Don't know     5   1,213,557    
Refused   127  28,032,784    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0402B Asian (e.g., Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese)
Yes    27   4,977,668   2.90 0.601
No   966 166,482,691  97.10 0.601
Subtotal valid responses   993 171,460,359    100  
Don't know     5   1,213,557    
Refused   127  28,032,784    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0402C Black or African-American
Yes   109  21,629,820  12.62 1.224
No   884 149,830,539  87.38 1.224
Subtotal valid responses   993 171,460,359    100  
Don't know     5   1,213,557    
Refused   127  28,032,784    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0402D Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (e.g., Samoan or Chamorro)
Yes     4     647,386   0.38 0.208
No   989 170,812,973  99.62 0.208
Subtotal valid responses   993 171,460,359    100  
Don't know     5   1,213,557    
Refused   127  28,032,784    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0402E White (Caucasian, Anglo)
Yes   841 142,472,061  83.09 1.360
No   152  28,988,298  16.91 1.360
Subtotal valid responses   993 171,460,359    100  
Don't know     5   1,213,557    
Refused   127  28,032,784    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0402F Other
Yes     0           0   0.00 0.000
No   993 171,460,359 100.00 0.000
Subtotal valid responses   993 171,460,359    100  
Don't know     5   1,213,557    
Refused   127  28,032,784    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0450 What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than high school graduate    88  15,506,580   7.97 0.906
High school graduate (or GED)   347  62,577,159  32.18 1.585
Some college (or technical vocational school/professional business school)   172  31,320,967  16.11 1.256
Two-year college degree (AA: Associate in Arts)   134  24,603,906  12.65 1.168
Four-year college degree (BA or BS: Bachelor of Arts of Science degree)   229  38,225,671  19.66 1.292
Graduate degree (Master's, Ph.D., Lawyer, Medical Doctor)   131  22,217,244  11.43 1.018
Subtotal valid responses 1,101 194,451,527    100  
Don't know     3     513,817    
Refused    21   5,741,356    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0501 Please stop me when I reach the category that includes your household’s total annual income for last calendar year, that is, 2001:
Under $15,000    93  13,240,790   8.26 0.924
From $15,000 to less than $30,000   178  28,689,270  17.89 1.419
From $30,000 to less than $50,000   232  40,050,431  24.98 1.564
From $50,000 to less than $75,000   201  37,659,532  23.48 1.586
From $75,000 to less than $100,000   102  19,261,959  12.01 1.195
$100,000 or more   121  21,457,545  13.38 1.256
Subtotal valid responses   927 160,359,527    100  
Don't know    60  13,546,073    
Refused   138  26,801,100    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0900 Last month, did you do any work for pay or profit?
Yes   691 123,407,640  63.83 1.613
No   403  69,937,029  36.17 1.613
Subtotal valid responses 1,094 193,344,669    100  
Don’t know     5     735,477    
Refused    26   6,626,554    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0553 Not including the telephone number which I called you on, how many additional phone numbers do you have in your household? Please do not count numbers for cellular phones, or phone lines that are exclusively for computer or fax use.
None   955 177,541,645  92.20 0.727
One   114  13,127,314   6.82 0.684
Two    15   1,080,957   0.56 0.174
Three     6     741,080   0.38 0.173
Four or more     1      62,910   0.03 0.033
Subtotal valid responses 1,091 192,553,906    100  
Don't know     2     448,729    
Refused    32   7,704,065    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0751 Is the primary use of the additional phone number(s) for household use, business use, or both?
Household use only    67   7,836,701  52.20 4.737
Business use only    32   3,035,008  20.22 3.495
Both household and business use    37   4,140,552  27.58 4.292
Subtotal valid responses   136  15,012,261    100  
Don’t know     0           0    
Refused     0           0    
Appropriate skip   989 185,694,439    
Total 1,125 200,706,700    
Code and Questionnaire Item Unweighted Count/Value Weighted Count/Value Weighted Percentage Standard Error
D0810 Did your household receive an advance notice in the mail concerning this study?
Yes   348  60,093,351  34.09 1.652
No   648 116,168,978  65.91 1.652
Subtotal valid responses   996 176,262,329    100  
Don’t know   101  18,082,823    
Refused    28   6,361,548    
Appropriate skip     0           0    
Total 1,125 200,706,700