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Welcome to Blueshift, a podcast produced by the Astrophysics Science Division at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Each episode provides a backstage pass to the science, missions, and people here at Goddard - we'll fill you in on groundbreaking discoveries, innovative technology, new missions, and other exciting stories. Learn more about what you've heard on the episode pages, and send us your questions and comments!

We look forward to bringing the Universe closer to you each month with a new episode!

Swift BAT intalled on the satellite
The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT), installed
on the Swift satellite before its launch.

Check out the latest episode:
Episode 6 - A NASA New Year!

Ring in 2008 with an all new episode of Blueshift! This episode, we're looking at the lives of missions and the scientists that work on them. Where do we get the ideas for all of these satellites? What does it take to get them into space? And when they're up there... what happens next?

We'll talk to science staff here at Goddard working on missions in every stage of life - from brand new ideas to a mission that just ended. Find out what a typical day is like around here, and what's launching in 2008.