Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF702.1 Authority, purpose, scope and other supervisory authority.
TEXT PDF702.2 Definitions
TEXT PDF702.101 Measures and effective date of net worth classification.
TEXT PDF702.102 Statutory net worth categories.
TEXT PDF702.103 Applicability of risk-based net worth requirement.
TEXT PDF702.104 Risk portfolios defined.
TEXT PDF702.105 Weighted-average life of investments.
TEXT PDF702.106 Standard calculation of risk-based net worth requirement.
TEXT PDF702.107 Alternative components for standard calculation.
TEXT PDF702.108 Risk mitigation credit.
TEXT PDF702.201 Prompt corrective action for ``adequately capitalized'' credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.202 Prompt corrective action for ``undercapitalized'' credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.203 Prompt corrective action for ``significantly undercapitalized'' credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.204 Prompt corrective action for ``critically undercapitalized'' credit unions
TEXT PDF702.205 Consultation with State officials on proposed prompt corrective action.
TEXT PDF702.206 Net worth restoration plans.
TEXT PDF702.301 Scope and definition.
TEXT PDF702.302 Net worth categories for new credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.303 Prompt corrective action for ``adequately capitalized'' new credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.304 Prompt corrective action for ``moderately capitalized,'' ``marginally capitalized'' or ``minimally capitalized'' new credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.305 Prompt corrective action for ``uncapitalized'' new credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.306 Revised business plans for new credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.307 Incentives for new credit unions.
TEXT PDF702.401 Reserves.
TEXT PDF702.402 Full and fair disclosure of financial condition.
TEXT PDF702.403 Payment of dividends.

