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Cancer Genetics Overview (PDQ®)
Health Professional Version   Last Modified: 09/22/2008
Health Professional Practice and Education

Resource  Description 
Centre for Education in Medical Genetics Develops, provides, and evaluates genetics education opportunities and resources.
Centre for Genetics Education Education and service resources for patients and professionals.
Dolan DNA Learning Center Gene Almanac Interactive multimedia genetics education resources.
Essential Nursing Competencies and Curricula Guidelines for Genetics and Genomics Establishes minimum basis to prepare the nursing workforce to deliver competent genetic and genomic-focused nursing care. Created by consensus panel in 2005.
GenEd Project Information about the project, news, and links to previously published research on European aspects of genetic services.
Genetics in Clinical Practice: A Team Approach Interactive virtual genetics clinic with case scenarios and case discussions. Target audience is primary care professionals.
Genetics Education Center For educators interested in human genetics and the Human Genome Project.
Genetics Education Program for Nurses (GEPN) Sample genetics nursing course syllabi and other genetics educational opportunities and resources for nurses.
Genetics in Primary Care Training program curriculum materials.
Genetics in Psychology American Psychological Association's genetics site.
Genetics and Your Practice Online modules for health care professionals designed for exploration of a topic rather than a sequential presentation of material. Includes fact sheets and sample clinical forms. Free registration required for access.
Medical School Core Curriculum in Genetics Medical school course competencies, skills, knowledge, and behaviors that should be covered in a genetics curriculum developed by the Association of Professors of Human and Medical Genetics and the American Society of Human Genetics.
National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG) Core competencies in genetics and reviews of education programs. Descriptions of available instructional resources, courses, and institutes.
Six Weeks to Genomic Awareness Webcast of six lessons in genomics for public health professionals.

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health