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Pathways to Advancement Policy Academy

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Hawaii has been named one of eight states to participate in "Pathways to Advancement Policy Academy," a National Governors Association (NGA) project designed to help working adults earn college and other post-high school degrees.  The other seven states in the Pathways Academy are Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

"The selection of Hawaii to take part in this national program is a reflection of our commitment to ensuring our residents receive the proper training and education to obtain quality jobs," said Governor Linda Lingle.  "Our economic future depends on improving the education of our youth and expanding the skills of working adults to meet the needs of changing technology and Hawaii’s emerging industries."

During a series of meetings over the next year, a team of key Hawaii agency representatives will evaluate education, workforce, welfare and economic development policies to promote adult student college access and success.  The team will also look at strategies and institutional changes to encourage youth to obtain a college certificate or degree.

The NGA will provide technical support and $50,000 for staff support and expenses.  The Governor’s Workforce Development Council will coordinate Hawaii’s participation in the Pathways Academy, which is sponsored by the NGA’s Center for Best Practices.

According to statistics, only 37 percent of Hawaii’s college graduates enroll in a post-secondary education program within four years.  The proportion rises somewhat for adults age 23 to 24, but falls to just 3.6 percent for adults between 25 and 44.  Moreover, only 44 percent of first-year Hawaii community college students return for their second year compared with 63 percent nationwide.  For university students only 37 percent of first-year students currently earn a baccalaureate degree within six years compared with 66 percent nationally. 

Last modified 03-14-2006 02:33 PM