Forest Service Cookbooks
Photo of woman cooking in lookout tower

The Introduction to the 1938 edition of “The Lookout Cookbook” begins:

“The idea back of this book is to furnish tried and approved recipes in amounts suitable for one or two men which can be prepared from the food furnished the lookouts. The persons who furnished recipes were requested to refrain from calling for any food supplies not furnished. The book was tried out by nearly a hundred lookouts, smokechasers, small crews, etc., during the 1937 season and their comments and suggestions are included.”

With such subjects as, “How to Use Left-Overs,” “Why Custards Whey or Curdle,” “Directions for Mixing Custards,” and “How to Use One Recipe in Different Ways,” the book covers every foodstuff that might interest a fire watcher.

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Last Modified: 09/05/2008

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