Title 25--Indians



TEXT PDF700.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF700.3 Assurances with respect to acquisition and displacement.
TEXT PDF700.5 Supersedure of regulations.
TEXT PDF700.11 Manner of notice.
TEXT PDF700.13 Waiver of regulations.
TEXT PDF700.15 Waiver of rights by owner.
TEXT PDF700.31 Applicability of definitions.
TEXT PDF700.33 Act (The Act).
TEXT PDF700.35 Applicant.
TEXT PDF700.37 Application for relocation assistance benefits and agreement to move.
TEXT PDF700.39 Appraisal.
TEXT PDF700.41 Appraiser.
TEXT PDF700.43 Assistance payment.
TEXT PDF700.45 Business.
TEXT PDF700.47 Commission.
TEXT PDF700.49 Certified eligible head of household.
TEXT PDF700.51 Custodial parent.
TEXT PDF700.53 Dwelling, replacement.
TEXT PDF700.55 Decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling.
TEXT PDF700.57 Dependent.
TEXT PDF700.59 Displaced person.
TEXT PDF700.61 Fair market value.
TEXT PDF700.65 Farm operation.
TEXT PDF700.67 Habitation.
TEXT PDF700.69 Head of household.
TEXT PDF700.71 Improvements.
TEXT PDF700.77 Livestock.
TEXT PDF700.79 Marriage.
TEXT PDF700.81 Monthly housing cost.
TEXT PDF700.83 Nonprofit organization.
TEXT PDF700.85 Owner.
TEXT PDF700.87 Person.
TEXT PDF700.89 Relocation contract.
TEXT PDF700.91 Relocation report.
TEXT PDF700.93 Relocation plan.
TEXT PDF700.95 Replacement housing funds.
TEXT PDF700.97 Residence.
TEXT PDF700.99 Salvage value.
TEXT PDF700.101 Single person.
TEXT PDF700.103 Uniform Act.
TEXT PDF700.105 Utility charges.
TEXT PDF700.111 Applicability of acquisition requirements.
TEXT PDF700.113 Basic acquisition policies.
TEXT PDF700.115 Preliminary acquisition notice.
TEXT PDF700.117 Criteria for appraisals.
TEXT PDF700.119 Establishment of fair market value.
TEXT PDF700.121 Statement of the basis for the determination of fair market value.
TEXT PDF700.123 Expenses incidental to transfer of ownership to the Commission.
TEXT PDF700.125 Disposal of property.
TEXT PDF700.127 Payments for acquisition of improvements.
TEXT PDF700.131 Purpose and applicability.
TEXT PDF700.133 Notice of displacement.
TEXT PDF700.135 Relocation assistance advisory services.
TEXT PDF700.137 Final date for voluntary relocation application.
TEXT PDF700.138 Persons who have not applied for voluntary relocation by July 7, 1986.
TEXT PDF700.139 Referral for action.
TEXT PDF700.141 General requirements--claims for relocation payments.
TEXT PDF700.143 Payments for divorced or separated relocatees.
TEXT PDF700.145 Payments to estates.
TEXT PDF700.147 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF700.151 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF700.153 Actual reasonable moving and related expenses--residential moves.
TEXT PDF700.155 Expenses in searching for replacement dwelling--residential move.
TEXT PDF700.157 Actual reasonable moving and related expenses--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF700.159 Payment for direct loss of personal property--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF700.161 Substitute personal property--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF700.163 Expenses in searching for replacement location--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF700.165 Ineligible moving and related expenses.
TEXT PDF700.167 Moving and related expenses--fixed payment.
TEXT PDF700.169 Fixed payment for moving expenses--residential moves.
TEXT PDF700.171 Fixed payment for moving expenses--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF700.173 Average net earnings of business or farm.
TEXT PDF700.175 Temporary emergency moves.
TEXT PDF700.181 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF700.183 Determination of replacement housing benefit.
TEXT PDF700.187 Utilization of replacement home benefits.
TEXT PDF700.189 Expenditure of replacement home benefits.
TEXT PDF700.195 General.
TEXT PDF700.197 Basic eligibility requirements.
TEXT PDF700.199 Incidental expenses.
TEXT PDF700.205 Eligibility requirements.
TEXT PDF700.209 Applicability.
TEXT PDF700.211 Basic rights and rules.
TEXT PDF700.213 Methods of providing last resort replacement housing.
TEXT PDF700.219 General.
TEXT PDF700.235 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF700.237 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.239 Records available.
TEXT PDF700.241 Request for records.
TEXT PDF700.243 Action on initial requests.
TEXT PDF700.245 Time limits on processing of initial requests.
TEXT PDF700.247 Appeals.
TEXT PDF700.249 Action on appeals.
TEXT PDF700.251 Fees.
TEXT PDF700.255 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF700.257 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.259 Records subject to Privacy Act.
TEXT PDF700.261 Standards for maintenance of records subject to the Act.
TEXT PDF700.263 Assuring integrity of records.
TEXT PDF700.265 Conduct of employees.
TEXT PDF700.267 Disclosure of records.
TEXT PDF700.269 Accounting for disclosures.
TEXT PDF700.271 Requests for notification of existence of records: Submission.
TEXT PDF700.273 Request for notification of existence of records: Action on.
TEXT PDF700.275 Requests for access to records.
TEXT PDF700.277 Requests for access to records: Submission.
TEXT PDF700.279 Requests for access to records: Initial decision.
TEXT PDF700.281 Requests for notification of existence of records and for access to records: Appeals.
TEXT PDF700.283 Requests for access to records: Special situations.
TEXT PDF700.285 Amendment of records.
TEXT PDF700.287 Petitions for amendment: Submission and form.
TEXT PDF700.289 Petitions for amendment: Processing and initial decision.
TEXT PDF700.291 Petitions for amendment: Time limits for processing.
TEXT PDF700.293 Petitions for amendment: Appeals.
TEXT PDF700.295 Petitions for amendment: Action on appeals.
TEXT PDF700.297 Statements of disagreement.
TEXT PDF700.301 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.303 Initial Commission determinations.
TEXT PDF700.305 Availability of hearings.
TEXT PDF700.307 Request for hearings.
TEXT PDF700.309 Presiding officers.
TEXT PDF700.311 Hearing scheduling and documents.
TEXT PDF700.313 Evidence and procedure.
TEXT PDF700.315 Post-hearing briefs.
TEXT PDF700.317 Presiding officer decisions.
TEXT PDF700.319 Final agency action.
TEXT PDF700.321 Direct appeal to Commissioners.
TEXT PDF700.331 Application for life estate leases.
TEXT PDF700.333 Determination of disability.
TEXT PDF700.335 Grouping and granting of applications for life estate leases.
TEXT PDF700.337 Establishment of boundaries of life estate leases.
TEXT PDF700.339 Residency on life estate leases.
TEXT PDF700.341 Access to life estate leases.
TEXT PDF700.343 Life estate leases.
TEXT PDF700.451 Purpose.
TEXT PDF700.453 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.455 Financial assistance.
TEXT PDF700.457 Assistance to match or pay 30% of grants, contracts or other expenditures.
TEXT PDF700.459 Assistance for demonstration projects and for provision of related facilities and services.
TEXT PDF700.461 Method for soliciting applications.
TEXT PDF700.463 Requirements for applications.
TEXT PDF700.465 Technical feasibility.
TEXT PDF700.467 Construction costs.
TEXT PDF700.469 Unallowable program and project costs.
TEXT PDF700.471 Review and approval.
TEXT PDF700.473 Administrative expenditures of the Commission.
TEXT PDF700.475 Reports.
TEXT PDF700.477 Administration of financial assistance and recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF700.479 Administrative review.
TEXT PDF700.501 Statement of purpose.
TEXT PDF700.503 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.505 Coverage.
TEXT PDF700.507 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF700.509 Duties of the designated agency ethics official.
TEXT PDF700.511 Statements of employment and financial interests.
TEXT PDF700.513 Business dealings on behalf of the government.
TEXT PDF700.515 Conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF700.517 Affiliations and financial interests.
TEXT PDF700.519 Gifts, entertainment and favors.
TEXT PDF700.521 Outside work and interests.
TEXT PDF700.523 Business relationships among employees.
TEXT PDF700.525 Use of government information or expertise.
TEXT PDF700.527 Endorsements.
TEXT PDF700.529 Negotiations for employment.
TEXT PDF700.531 Government property.
TEXT PDF700.533 Restrictions affecting travel and travel expense reimbursement.
TEXT PDF700.535 Nepotism.
TEXT PDF700.537 Indebtedness.
TEXT PDF700.539 Soliciting contributions.
TEXT PDF700.541 Fraud or false statement in a Government matter.
TEXT PDF700.543 Gambling.
TEXT PDF700.545 Alcoholism and drug abuse.
TEXT PDF700.547 Consuming intoxicants on Government premises or during duty hours.
TEXT PDF700.549 Employee organizations.
TEXT PDF700.551 Franking privilege and official stationery.
TEXT PDF700.553 Use of official titles.
TEXT PDF700.555 Notary services.
TEXT PDF700.557 Political activity.
TEXT PDF700.559 Equal opportunity.
TEXT PDF700.561 Sexual harassment.
TEXT PDF700.563 Statutory restrictions from 18 U.S.C. 207, which are applicable to former Government employees.
TEXT PDF700.565 Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF700.601 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.603 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF700.605 Relocation assistance.
TEXT PDF700.607 Dual eligibility.
TEXT PDF700.609 Appeals.
TEXT PDF700.611 Application deadline.
TEXT PDF700.701 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.703 Authority.
TEXT PDF700.705 Objectives.
TEXT PDF700.707 Regulations; scope.
TEXT PDF700.709 Grazing privileges.
TEXT PDF700.711 Grazing permits.
TEXT PDF700.713 Tenure of grazing permits.
TEXT PDF700.715 Assignment, modification, and cancellation of grazing permits.
TEXT PDF700.717 Stocking rate.
TEXT PDF700.719 Establishment of grazing fees.
TEXT PDF700.721 Range management plans.
TEXT PDF700.722 Grazing associations.
TEXT PDF700.723 Control of livestock disease and parasites.
TEXT PDF700.725 Livestock trespass.
TEXT PDF700.727 Impoundment and disposal of unauthorized livestock.
TEXT PDF700.729 Amendments.
TEXT PDF700.731 Appeals.
TEXT PDF700.801 Purpose.
TEXT PDF700.803 Authority.
TEXT PDF700.805 Definitions.
TEXT PDF700.807 Prohibited Acts.
TEXT PDF700.809 Permit requirements and exceptions.
TEXT PDF700.811 Application for permits and information collection.
TEXT PDF700.813 Notification to Indian tribes of possible harm to, or destruction of, sites on public lands having religious or cultural importance.
TEXT PDF700.815 Issuance of permits.
TEXT PDF700.817 Terms and conditions of permits.
TEXT PDF700.819 Suspension and revocation of permits.
TEXT PDF700.821 Appeals relating to permits.
TEXT PDF700.823 Permit reviews and disputes.
TEXT PDF700.825 Relationship to section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
TEXT PDF700.827 Custody of Archaeological resources.
TEXT PDF700.829 Determination of archaeological or commercial value and cost of restoration and repair.
TEXT PDF700.831 Assessment of civil penalties.
TEXT PDF700.833 Civil penalty amounts.
TEXT PDF700.835 Other penalties and rewards.
TEXT PDF700.837 Confidentiality of archaeological resource information.
TEXT PDF700.839 Report.
TEXT PDF700.841 Determination of loss or absence of archaeological interest.
TEXT PDF700.843 Permitting procedures for Navajo Nation Lands.
