Maybe your community was struck by a home fire that was caused by cigarettes or other smoking materials. Or perhaps your community has been lucky enough to avoid such a tragedy. The Smoking & Home Fires Campaign by the U.S. Fire Administration works to educate people about how they can prevent home fire deaths and injuries caused by smoking materials. Replace "luck" with knowledge and empower your community with life-saving fire safety information. Our key message is: "If you smoke, Put It Out. All the Way. Every Time."
Fires caused by smoking materials affect not only the smoker, but non-smokers as well. Did you know that of the fatal victims who were not the smokers in smoking material fires:
In fact, one-in-four people killed in home fires is not the smoker whose cigarette caused the fire.
The USFA has created a comprehensive Smoking & Home Fires Campaign Toolkit that contains free, copyright-free materials that can be printed, distributed and presented to the community you serve. The toolkit is a comprehensive resource that contains materials for both community organizations and fire service personnel to use within their community. It includes fact sheets, presentation materials, even a video demonstration of a smoking home fire. Below is a list of all toolkit materials:
The USFA urges you to take advantage of the toolkit resources. The materials in the toolkit can be implemented immediately within your organization and community. Work with your local fire department on this effort to maximize coverage.