Jewel Lightfoot
September 26, 2002
To Whom It May Concern:
I am blind, but I am also an American taxpayer!  I am strongly opposed to your June 17 proposed rules which would require that, to "help" the blind, our government would require detectable warnings at every street corner or accessible traffic signals at every traffic light.
What blind people need is high-quality training, not gadgets and gimmicks!  The enormous financial cost to the American taxpayer far outweighs any supposed benefit to the blind.  Trained blind people cross busy streets "just as they are" every day, but an outraged American taxpayer won't be so eager to hire them if this high cost is heaped upon them.
Personally, I have experienced audible signals on a university campus in south Louisiana and have found birds mocking the audible signals. This has caused problems with blind students that does not have other skills than using the signals. Therefore, spending the amount of money on the audible signals would be better spent on training people who are blind at a training center. I have received training at the Louisiana Center for the Blind and can travel anywhere I want without being afraid of crossing streets or finding my destinations. I would not want to be limited to living or traveling in areas that have audible signals. So, I am asking you to not support the June 17 proposed rules which would require that, to "help" the blind, our government would require detectable warnings at every street corner or accessible traffic signals at every traffic light. 
Jewel Lightfoot

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