image of a flooded house

Aggregate hailstone approximately six inches in diameter. The Warning Applications group works on systems that help forecasters detect, monitor and predict the occurrence of severe weather.


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WSR-88D/TDWR Operational Product Development and Improvement

Horizontal wind field calculated using data from two doppler radars

Horizontal wind field calculated using data from two Doppler radars (a WSR-88D and a TDWR) Larger image

An example of the higher spatial resolution radar information available from the TDWR, compared to the WSR-88D.

An example of the higher spatial resolution radar information available from the TDWR, compared to the WSR-88D. Larger image

The Severe Weather Warning Applications and Technology Transfer (SWAT) Group works with the National Weather Service Radar Operations Center (NWS ROC Offsite link warning) and the FAA Offsite link warning to enhance the performance of the nation's operational weather radar systems. These radar systems include:

NSSL personnel are currently working to:

NSSL began providing realtime TDWR data to the Norman NWS forecast office Offsite link warning in the late 1990s, and together we have demonstrated the operational utility of TDWR data in enhanced forecast and warning decision-making. The ability to view TDWR data is now being implemented at NWS forecast offices nationwide.