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Distributed energy resources (DER) and combined heating, cooling, and power (CHP) systems can help Hawaii to use energy more efficiently; make better use of renewable energy resources available on-site; reduce peak demand; and reduce the vulnerability of the islands' energy systems in the case of damage or disruption of centralized power generation. Also, de-centralized energy, in contrast to central generation, can be brought online faster than new central power plants.


2007 - Pacific Missile Range Facility Combined Heat and Power Feasibility Study
           SCS Energy; 214 pages; 16 Mb

2004 - An Evaluation of Alternative Commercial Approaches to Distributed Energy Resources and Combined Heat and Power in Hawaii 
           Competitive Energy Insight, Inc.; 64 pages; 2,046 kb

2004 - HELCO Operational Issues: Bulk Energy Storage  
           Hawaii Electric Light Company; 51 pages; 6,777 kb

2004 - Managing High Saturations of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) as a Microgrid on the Big Island of Hawaii  
           Hawaii Electric Light Company; 88 pages; 1,377 kb

2004 - Workshop on DER and CHP - Introduction  
           Kaya; 6 slides; 106 kb

2004 - Incorporating Distributed Generation Into Hawaii's Utility Planning and Regulatory Processes 
           Datta; 25 slides; 958 kb

2004 - Evaluation of Alternative Commercial Approaches to DG/CHP in Hawaii  
           Provol; 62 slides; 1,455 kb

2004 - The Hawaii Hydrogen Power Park - A 'Real-World Laboratory' to Evaluate and Demonstrate Hydrogen DER Technologies  
           Ewan; 33 slides; 3,029 kb

2004 - Deploying DER/CHP in California and Hawaii  
           Tomashefsky; 49 slides; 2,091 kb

2001 - Combined Heat and Power Workshop - Presentations   
           Various; 96 pages; 4,841 kb

Last modified 03-06-2007 07:27 AM