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The following information resources may offer victim assistance information, research findings, educational materials, or strategies for program and policy development specific to this topic. A general listing of all OVC publications is also available.

(F.A.S.T.) Financial Abuse Specialist Team Video (May 2003)
This video (NCJ 198153) highlights financial crime against the elderly, educates viewers on all aspects of elder financial fraud, and serves as a template for agencies interested in creating a F.A.S.T. team in their own communities.

Focus On: Identity Theft (February 2005)
This online resource was recently added to OVC’s Focus On series, a Web-only companion to OVC’s biennial Report to the Nation. It highlights several OVC initiatives such as the Identity Theft Verification Passport Program demonstration project, the Identity Theft Resource Center, and OVC’s Web Forum on the topic; describes training opportunities; and offers links to other resources for victims, consumers, business owners, and policymakers. e-only icon

In the Spotlight: Identity Theft (February 2005)
This online resource offers a briefing on identity theft and phishing; points to important publications, statistics, legislation, and training opportunities; and offers links to other resources. Launched February 2005 to help celebrate National Consumer Protection Week, this "weblet" is made possible by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the National Criminal Justice Reference Services (NCJRS).  

Information for Victims and Witnesses Who Report Fraud Crimes
This OVC brochure (BC 000599) informs victims of financial crime how they can begin to address their loss. e-only icon
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National Victim Assistance Academy 2002
This OVC textbook (NCJ 197109) is an overview of the National Victim Assistance Academy, the university-based, foundation-level course in victim assistance and victimology. This rigorous, 45-hour academic curriculum emphasizes foundations in victimology, victims' rights and services, and new developments in the field of victim assistance. e-only icon

Partnering With Faith Communities to Provide Elder Fraud Prevention, Intervention, and Victim Services (April 2006)
This publication (NCJ 213340), discusses the Communities Against Senior Exploitation (CASE) program, developed to address the increasingly significant problem of elder fraud; replication of the widely successful CASE initiative Denver model; and results from a survey distributed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CASE partnership. e-only icon

Providing Services to Victims of Fraud: Resources for Victim/Witness Coordinators
This OVC manual (NCJ 170594) presents materials and guidelines to give federal personnel who work with fraud victims the resources they need to develop effective, sensitive, and fraud-specific victim assistance programs and services. It provides effective program service strategies, suggestions to enhance services to fraud victims, and referrals to outside agencies and programs that provide fraud victims with services or information. e-only icon
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Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities: A Handbook for Fraud Victims Participating in the Federal Criminal Justice System
This OVC handbook (NCJ 172830) provides guidance to victims of fraud whose cases are processed in the federal criminal justice system to help them cope with the effects of their victimization, understand their options for participation in case processing, avail themselves of victim services, and protect themselves from fraud in the future.

Telemarketing Fraud Prevention, Public Awareness, and Training Activities (August 1998)
This OVC fact sheet (FS 000214) describes four innovative projects funded by OVC to prevent and intervene in telemarketing fraud schemes that target elderly citizens. These include the Elder Financial Exploitation Prevention Program; the Telemarketing Fraud Project for Latino Elderly; Operation Fraudstop; and Telemarketing Fraud Prevention, Public Awareness, and Training Activities. e-only icon

Victims of Fraud & Economic Crime (Bulletin)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 176357) documents the ideas generated by participants of the Fraud Victimization Focus Group convened by OVC in April 1998. e-only icon
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Victimization of Persons by Fraud
This National Institute of Justice report (NCJ 153727) addresses the incidence and prevalence of personal fraud victimization, the characteristics of the victims involved and the impacts and effects of these offenses.
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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008