NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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    I have something that may sound ridiculous to write to you but I need to ask you. My friends and I were talking today and they told me that on May 15th, there will be a comet passing the earth, not hitting it, but its gravitational pull will stop the earth from spinning cause all these things to happen and the earth will flood and there will be earthquakes and stuff. This may sound ridiculous but it would be appretiated to get a responce back.

    Don't worry, these rumors of catastrophe are not true. For months, weird stories have circulated on the Internet predicting the close passage by Earth this month of a Planet X sometimes called Niburu, or in some versions it is a giant comet or asteroid. The simple answer is that these...

    May 9, 2003 More

    How long have humans existed on Earth?

    Human have existed for roughly half a million years, but this answer depends on the exact definition of "human". Fossil evidence shows that several human-like lineages developed during the past million years or so. >From fossils, the appearance of Homo sapiens is dated at about half a million years, and...

    June 12, 2006 More

    What is Planet Nibiru/Eris ? Is it going to flyby Earth in 2012 ? Are we going to survive the flyby ?

    You seem to have fallen for the "Nibiru hoax". Eris is a dwarf planet in the outer solar system, a bit larger than Pluto, discovered in 2003 (see Wikipedia article at Nibiru does not exist; it is a hoax, and certainly it has nothing to do with Eris. Wikipedia...

    January 22, 2008 More

    II was on the NASA home page and searched Planet Niburu. Come to find out there actually is a planet beyond Pluto and they are calling it Niburu.Some said Planet Niburu didnt exist but now we know it does! There havent been many straight answers on this subject so I dont really expect to get the total truth,but here I go. Is there ANY chance of a Niburu flyby in 2012? And if there is why dont the public have a right to know so that we can prepare ourselves?

    I’m sorry if the NASA webpage confused you. I just checked, and there is no mention of Nibiru other than the various statements that it does not exist and is a hoax. There is a 2005 news story on the discovery of one of the transneptunian dwarf planets, 2003UB313. UB313...

    January 31, 2008 More

    Is there a planet Nibiru that will pretty much destroy earth in 2012? I watched a video about it last night and I freaked out so bad i was shaking and crying. Is our world coming to an end in 2012? If so... why cant we just blow the thing up and call it a day?

    I am really sorry that these crazy Nibiru claims have upset you. I don't want to keep answering these questions about Nibiru, but let me say once more as clearly as I can, for you and the other questioners: Nibiru does not exist. NASA has never discovered or detected Nibiru...

    January 31, 2008 More

    Nibiru Redux: Six recent questions about Nibiru: (1) I have found a lot of stuff about a so called planet. Planet x or nibiru. It anything they say possible like revolving around the sun clockwise and it has been said that its orbit is way far out past Pluto. Also there are statements that it has a 3600 year orbit around the sun an that is is supposed to return in the near future. Is this possible at all? It sounds fishy to me, but there are supposed pics of it and a lot of scientist talk about it. I even wikipedia searched it. I would just like to find out some info please. (2) Nibiru does exist and I can prove it. Nibiru is in the old testament Exodus 6:4. and you are watching Nibiru from a lab on the south pole. also I have images from a telescope of Nibiru. and people from the southern hemisphere can see Nibiru in the daytime. is that proof enough for you? (3) many signs tell that something big is out there coming and why wouldn't it be true about nibiru / planet x there is a lot of fact historical and scientific but i do understand your awnser but why build a telescope at the south pole an photos and such with this redish dwarf star moving fast in 1983 it was 50 billion miles away and 10 years later it is alot closer is it hiding behind the sun i know you all dont want to start a world wide panic. (4) I read were you said that Nibiru is a hoax. My question to you is why would anyone let the american population know about such a catastrophy? Isnt it the governments job to keep the population at ease? (5) You say Nibiru is a hoax, and no such planet exists, but is Nibiru not Eris? (6) What is this a picture of? It's said to be Nibiru, but as you say Nibiru is a hoax. so what is this really a photo of?

    I hope this is my last comment on the Nibiru hoax, but questions like the above six keep coming in. Most of the entries on the Internet about Nibiru are false. Wikipedia has it correct when they write that "Nibiru is a name in Sumerian, Babylonian astrology associated with the...

    February 7, 2008 More

    Now if the Nibiru topic is a hoax, then what are the infrared images of the alleged Nibiru??? And i also heard that NASA saw it with IRAS and reported it and all that. Why does NASA deny anything about it instead of telling the public so (if Nibiru is in fact a hoax) they dont take durastic measures such as my family was planning on doing.I need more proof that Nibiru is a hoax because the government and NASA are keeping to much from us for us to make full judgement on it....

    I really am sorry that you have taken the Nibiru hoax seriously, and that this hoax is causing you and your family distress. This Nibiru stuff is all pure fiction, without any core of fact or truth. Specifically (1) The are no infrared images of Nibiru -- period. (2) IRAS...

    March 20, 2008 More

    What do you make of this theory that the Earth will be in direct alignment with the center of the Milky Way in December of 2012? There are many websites which list a series of events in our solar system, leading up to the alignment which will cause a catastrophic change in the Earth¹s rotation. I went to your Solar System Simulator at (Which is really cool by the way) and typed in a bunch of these dates. It looked to me like the Earth was still intact. Is this alignment with the center of the galaxy even provable?

    You are correct, there is no planetary alignment in December 2012. As to "alignment with the center of the Milky Way" that is a meaningless phrase. It may sound scientific, but it is devoid of content. To put it bluntly, these claims on the Internet of alignments and catastrophe in December...

    May 8, 2008 More

    I share your view on Nibiru causing a catastrophe. It has to be a hoax which has been around for a lot of time. However, the only thing that generates curiousity in me is the fact that the area dimensioned (5h 53m 27s, -6 10' 58") has been blackened out in Google Sky and Microsoft Telescope. People suggest that these have been blackened out because those are the co-ordinates where Nibiru is located at present. Please clarify.

    Several people have asked me about this blank rectangle in Orion in Google Sky, which is a presentation of images from the Sloan Digital Survey. This can't be a "hiding place" for Nibiru, since it is a part of the sky that could be seen from almost everywhere on the Earth last winter...

    July 29, 2008 More

    why does the Mayan calender say the world will end in 2012?i know you have answered the plant x question....however i have heard that they have been pretty accurate in the past with other planetary stuff ,did they use planets so much to date things? and does that make them better at understanding the solar system? so if they have predicted an end in 2012 will it happen ,how can you be sure you know more than they did?

    Calendars exist for keeping track of the passage of time, not for predicting the future. The Mayan astronomers were clever, and they developed a very complex calendar. Ancient calendars are interesting to historians, but of course they cannot match the ability we have today to keep track of time, or the precision of the...

    July 31, 2008 More

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