NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Question

    When NEAR Shoemaker orbitted 433 Eros, it did not detect in its year orbit (and successful touchdown) any satellites (according to what i've read). Now in '05 we discover Dysnomia. Is this a recent addition? Is this 'moon' projected to stay with Eris/Eros in its course since Eros' gravitational effects are so minute? Could this body be jostled about enough to impact Earth on its next 'scheduled' flyby?

    You seem to be very confused. Eros is not Eris, any more than the letter i is the same as the letter o. Eris is a dwarf planet, larger than Pluto, in the outer solar system, with a moon Dysnomia. Eros is an asteroid, a thousand times smaller, in the inner solar system. Neither one is Nibiru, and neither one is coming close to the Earth.
    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    July 21, 2008

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