Rangeland Inventory

Each fiscal year since 1989, the Bureau of Land Management has compiled a national, BLM-wide Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation Report. This report contains 7 tables and has undergone various modifications through time. Tables 1, 2, and 3 contain results on the BLM’s vegetation inventories and trend. Tables 1 through 3 are presented to satisfy Section 201(a) of The Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976, as amended, and the Public Rangelands Improvement Act (PRIA) of 1978, both of which affirm Congress’s intent to have BLM prepare and maintain on a continuing basis an inventory of public rangeland conditions and trends. Table 4 reports how livestock grazing allotments are categorized. Tables 5 and 6 report on monitoring activities and plans implemented on allotments. Table 7 reports on results of evaluations of Standards for Rangeland Health. Contact Mike “Sherm� Karl at sherm_karl@blm.gov or at 303-236-0166 for more detail.

National Rangeland Inventory 2006 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 2005 (pdf)

National Rangeland Inventory 2004 (pdf)

National Rangeland Inventory 2003 (pdf)

National Rangeland Inventory 2002 (pdf)

National Rangeland Inventory 2001 (html)

National Rangeland Inventory 2000 (html)
National Rangeland Inventory 1999 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1998 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1997 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1996 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1995 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1994 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1993 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1992 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1991 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1990 (pdf)
National Rangeland Inventory 1989 (pdf)

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