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NIDA Home > Publications > Director's Reports > February, 2007 Index    

Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - February, 2007

Planned Meetings

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will participate in a number of sessions at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) annual National Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C., February 12-15, 2007. Dr. Lucinda Miner, Deputy Director, OSPC, NIDA, will conduct a workshop on The Neurobiology of Addiction and Dr. Joni Rutter, DBNBR, NIDA and Dr. Kevin Conway, DCNBR, NIDA will conduct a workshop on The Genes, Environment, and Development Initiative in Addiction: The GEDI Approach. In addition, NIDA Director, Dr. Nora Volkow, will participate in the plenary session.

The Neuroscience Consortium will present a Symposium on Learning and Memory on March 7, 2007 in the Neuroscience Center in Rockville, MD. Sessions will include: Dopamine's New Role as a Reinforcer for Learning and Memory - speakers Dr. Barry Everitt and Dr. Nora Volkow; Emotional Memory - speakers Dr. Kevin LeBar and Dr. Tony Grace; Cellular Mechanisms - speakers Dr. Antonello Bonci and Dr. Marina Wolf; and Molecular Alterations of Learning and Memory - speakers Dr. George Uhl and Dr. Peter Kalivas. The symposium is being organized by Dr. Cathrine Sasek, Dr. Susan Volman, and Dr. Steve Grant.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is collaborating with the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to hold a major research based track at the APA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, May 19-24, 2007. The first major NIDA/APA track was held at the 1998 APA meeting in Toronto and then again at the 2004 APA meeting in New York City. NIDA has organized a number of sessions for the upcoming track, including 5 symposia, 5 workshops and two major lectures. NIDA anticipates another highly successful program at the meeting in 2007.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is organizing a program at this year's American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California, August 17-20, 2007. A number of NIDA staff throughout the Institute are involved in organizing and/or presenting on a wide range of session topics. NIDA will also co-sponsor an Early Career Investigator Poster Session with APA's Divisions 28 and 50 and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) as part of the two Divisions' Social Hour.

The next National CTN Steering Committee Meetings are scheduled for March 19-23, 2007 and September 24-28, 2007 in Rockville, MD.


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