Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Distribution of Fishes in the Red River of the North Basin on Multivariate Environmental Gradients


Table A1. Fish records without specific site locations from the Smithsonian Institution (S) and the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan (M) for streams in the Red River basin.

SCatostomus commersoniSheyenne River Goldsborough, Pope
MCatostomus commersoniBuffalo River1933Brinley
SEtheostoma nigrumNorth Red River1857Northwest University
SHiodon alosoidesNorth Red River Northwest University
SIchthyomyzon castaneusRed River of the North1908Oftedal
SIctalurus nebulosusNorth Red River1857Northwest University
MLuxilus cornutusBuffalo River1933Brinley
MLuxilus cornutusMiddle River Scudder
MLuxilus cornutusSandhill River1860Scudder
MNotropis heterolepisMiddle River1860Scudder
SNotropis hudsoniusSheyenne River1907Pope
SNoturus gyrinusMaple River1857Kennicott
SNoturus gyrinusNorth Red River1857Northwest University
SPercina maculataMaple River1857Northwest University
SPercina maculataNorth Red River1857Northwest University
MPercina maculataRed Lake River1933University of Minnesota
SPercopsis omiscomaycusMaple River1857Kennicott
SPercopsis omiscomaycusNorth Red River1857Kennicott
SPercopsis omiscomaycusSheyenne River1921Young
MPhoxinus eosSandhill River1860Scudder
MPhoxinus neogaeusSandhill River1860Scudder
MRhinichthys atratulusSandhill River1860Scudder
MSemotilus atromaculatusSandhill River1860Scudder
MSemotilus atromaculatusBuffalo River1933Brinley
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