USDA Forest Service

Angeles National Forest

Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Project
Camp Hi-Hill Outdoor School Permit Proposal
Wrightwood Project Proposed Action
PCT Bridge at Cooper Canyon

Angeles National Forest
701 North Santa Anita Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91006

(626) 574-1613

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans — Land Management Plan (Forest Plan)

[image]: Cover of Angeles National Forest Forest Plan. This page provides information and updates about the implementation of the Angeles Forest Plan, revised in 2005.

The Forest Plan guides forest managers in site-specific planning and decision making for the Angeles National Forest. Project-level decisions which will subsequently be designed and implemented must be consistent with the direction described in the revised plan.

In April 2006, the Forest Service reissued the decisions on the revised Forest Plans for the four national forests in southern California (Angeles, Cleveland, Los Padres, and San Bernardino National Forests)... More.

Final Documents

2006 Record of Decision - Angeles National Forest (PDF)
Part 1: Southern California National Forests Vision (PDF)
Part 1: Southern California National Forests Vision (HTML)
Part 2: Angeles National Forest Strategy (PDF, 13.5MB)
Part 3: Design Criteria for the Southern California National Forests (PDF)
Part 3: Design Criteria for the Southern California National Forests (HTML)

Selected Alternative Maps

The Final Environmental Impact Statement, Records of Decision, and supporting documentation for the four revised Forest Plans were prepared jointly by the four Forests and are available at


Monitoring and Evaluation

Coming soon, we will be monitoring and evaluating projects and activities carried out under the new Angeles Forest Plan. If you are interested in further information on the upcoming monitoring, please contact Kathy Peterson, Acting Forest Planner, at (626) 574-5206.

Follow this link for information about Forest Plan monitoring and evaluations... » more More.

Amendments and Errata

Over the years the Forest Plan will change in response to monitoring and evaluation, new information, and changes in conditions. Minor corrections ("errata"), such as for typographical errors, will also be needed.

Follow this link to find Forest Plan amendments and other corrections ... » more More.

Related Links and Background

Forest Plan Update, September 2005: A 16-page photo-illustrated summary of the southern California Forest Plans (PDF)
Local Libraries with Copies of the Forest Plan documents (HTML)
News Release April 21, 2006 (DOC)
News Release December 20, 2005 (HTML)
Southern California Land Management Planning Website (no longer updated)


USDA Forest Service - Angeles National Forest

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.