USDA Forest Service

Angeles National Forest

Burned Area Emergency Response

Angeles National Forest
701 North Santa Anita Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91006

(626) 574-1613

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Fire and Aviation

[Photograph]: An air tanker is dropping retardant on a fire.
The fire is not visible.

Wildland Fire Terminology

Do know the difference between a controlled and contained fire?  Can you tell a swamper from a sawyer?  If not, check out this glossary of wildland fire terms.

[Photograph]: A firefighter watches burnout operations
on another ridge while the sun sets.

Fireshed Assessments

As one of the most urban national forests in the nation, the Angeles is working in partnership with local communities, agency partners and the public to protect communities adjacent to and within the Forest from catastrophic fire. These projects to reduce the build-up of hazardous fuels are being planned using a collaborative process known as a Fireshed Assessment.

Fireshed Assessments use state-of-the-art computer modeling to design and test vegetation treatment projects in large areas (“firesheds”) in order to predict the frequency, severity and magnitude of wildland fires under a variety of conditions. By inputting past fire history, vegetative types, topography, weather and other factors, Fireshed participants can view potential outcomes of each fire scenario and plan their projects accordingly.

Fireshed Assessment Partners

Angeles National Forest
Contact: John Thomas
Forest Fuels Management Officer
(661) 723-2751

Los Angeles County Fire Department
Contacts: Jay Lopez, Anthony Williams
Forestry Division
(323) 890-4330

California Fire Safe Council
Contact: Erica Bisch
Executive Director
(626) 335-7426

Los Angeles City Fire Department
Contact: Tony Varela
Brush Clearance Unit
(818) 374-1111

[Photograph]: Supervisor Jody Noiron addresses participants at the Angeles National Forest Fireshed Assessment Workshop in Monrovia, CA in September, 2005. [Photograph]: Fireshed Assessment Workshop - September, 2005. The workshop brought together Forest Service natural resource specialists and fire managers with agency partners, adjacent fire departments and the public.

Fire Hire

Interested in working to fight wildland fire?  Find out about how you can become one of the hard working members of the the largest wildland firefighting force in the world.More.


USDA Forest Service - Angeles National Forest

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