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What ARE certifications?

A certification documents the competence of an individual on a set of predetermined qualifications or performance standards of an industry group, agency, or association. Continue...

How do I know if a specific certification is relevant to my job or career?

It is important to research your field and/or your employer's expectations before undertaking a certification. There are some third-party verifications on certifying organizations. Continue...

What is the difference between certification and licensure?

The terms certification and licensure are frequently used interchangeably. For our purposes, certification differs from licensure in that occupational licenses are typically issued by a government entity and are required before an individual may work or practice in a particular occupation or profession (e.g. Licensed Practical Nurse). Continue...

Criteria for these certifications

For a certification to be included here, it must require either education, training, work experience, or examination; and must not be a state-required license, although it may lead to a license. It must provide a certification documenting level of education, training, work experience or passing an examination for that occupation or credential.

Certification information and certifications come from a variety of sources. Changes to existing certifications and the addition of new certifications are usually made because of research done by staff, partners, and affiliates or feedback gathered from users of our web products. This certification information is compiled and maintained by and is exclusively available via the CareerOneStop site.

Click on an industry occupation to view its certifications.

Education and Training in Homeland Security

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