BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


American Trading Centers Initiative, China

More than ever before, China is one of our most significant target markets. Through a new collaboration with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) the US Commercial Service has expanded its direct reach into 19 market locations across China--our five existing US Embassy and Consulate locations PLUS 14 new city/regional market areas! Click on the downloads on the right to get all the details about the ATC initiative. Still have questions or want to take advantage of the ATC initiative, contact either in Reno, or in Las Vegas.

Flag of China


DownloadSelling to China Just Got Easier

Overview of the American Trading Centers in China initiative.

PDF, 613KB Download

DownloadAmerican Trading Centers FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions: US Commercial Service and the ATC Initiatve

PDF, 104KB Download

Download4 Ways We Can Help Grow Your Sales in China

How ATCs can assist you develop the Chinese market.

PDF, 289KB Download