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Digital Mapping Techniques '04— Workshop Proceedings
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1451


Introduction [HTML | PDF]
By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Oral Presentations

Completion of the First Phase of the Kentucky Digital Geologic Mapping Program [HTML | PDF]
By Warren H. Anderson, Thomas N. Sparks, and Gerald A. Weisenfluh (Kentucky Geological Survey)

Progress Towards an Agency-Wide Geologic Map Database at Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys [HTML | PDF]
By Larry Freeman and Fred Sturmann (Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys)

The National Geologic Map Database Project: Overview and Progress [HTML | PDF]
By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey), Thomas M. Berg (Ohio Geological Survey), and Nancy R. Stamm (U.S. Geological Survey)

Migrating from ArcInfo Workstation to ArcGIS [HTML | PDF]
By Victor Dohar (Natural Resources Canada)

Investigating the San Simeon Earthquake using ArcPad and GPS [HTML | PDF]
By Lewis I. Rosenberg (San Luis Obispo County Planning and Building Department)

GanFeld: Geological Field Data Capture [HTML | PDF]
By Guy H.D.P. Buller (Geological Survey of Canada)

Geologic Data Assistant (GDA): An ArcPad Extension for Geologic Mapping [HTML | PDF]
By Ralph A. Haugerud and Evan E. Thoms (U.S. Geological Survey)

Creating 3D Models of Lithologic/Soil Zones using 3D Grids [HTML | PDF]
By Skip Pack (Dynamic Graphics, Inc.)

Science Language, Parsing and Querying: The Surficial Side of Things [HTML | PDF]
By Andrée M. Bolduc, Andrew Moore, Kaz Shimamura, Matt Pyne, and Ron DiLabio (Geological Survey of Canada)

Report on Progress to develop a North American Science-Language Standard for Digital Geologic-Map Databases [HTML | PDF]
By North American Geologic Map Data Model Steering Committee Science Language Technical Team

GML Encoding of NADM C1 [HTML | PDF]
By Eric Boisvert (Geological Survey of Canada), Bruce R. Johnson (U.S. Geological Survey), Simon Cox (CSIRO, Australia), and Boyan Brodaric (Geological Survey of Canada)

Geologic Web Services, Planning and Design [HTML | PDF]
By Sheena K. Beaverson (Illinois State Geological Survey)

Implementing NADM C1 for the National Geologic Map Database [HTML | PDF]
By Steve Richard (Arizona Geological Survey), Jon Craigue (U.S. Geological Survey), and Dave Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Photogrammetry Methods at the Utah Geological Survey: From Field Mapping to Published Map [HTML | PDF]
By Kent D. Brown (Utah Geological Survey)

Digital Cartographic Production Techniques Using Airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR): North Slope, Alaska [HTML | PDF]
By Christopher P. Garrity (U.S. Geological Survey)

The Use of Topology on Geologic Maps [HTML | PDF]
By Ron Wahl (U.S. Geological Survey)

Poster Presentations

Geology, Stewart River Area (Parts of 115 N/1,2,7,8 and 115-O/2-12), Yukon Territory [HTML | PDF]
By S. P. Gordey, J.J. Ryan, and R.B. Cocking (Geological Survey of Canada)

Surface Terrain of Indiana—a Digital Elevation Model [HTML | PDF]
By Robin Rupp (Indiana Geological Survey)

Cartography at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology [HTML | PDF]
By Susan Smith (Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology)

Conversion of Surficial Geologic Maps to Digital Format in the Seacoast Region of New Hampshire [HTML | PDF]
By Derek S. Bennett, Frederick H. Chormann, Jr., Carl Koteff, and David R. Wunsch (New Hampshire Geological Survey)

Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation: Historic Fill Series [HTML | PDF]
By Michael W. Girard (New Jersey Geological Survey)

Exploring Shaded Relief: The Shaded Drift-Thickness Map of Ohio [HTML | PDF]
By Donovan M. Powers (Ohio Division of Geological Survey)

Conversion of a Digital Raster Graphics Image from Color to Black and White [HTML | PDF]
By Clark A. Niewendorp (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries)

Oregon Statewide Geologic Map Data: A Pilot Project Where Digital Techniques Changed the Geologic Map Compilation Process and Product [HTML | PDF]
By Mark L. Ferns, Ronald P.Geitgey, Margaret D. Jenks, Lina Ma, Ian P. Madin, Vicki S. McConnell, and Paul E. Staub (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries)

Going From Greenline Mylar to Digital Geologic Map [HTML | PDF]
By Thomas G. Whitfield (Pennsylvania Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey)

Geoenvironmental Map of the Christmas Point Quadrangle, Texas Gulf Coast [HTML | PDF]
By Thomas A. Tremblay, William A. White, Rachel L. Waldinger, and Edward W. Collins (Texas Bureau of Economic Geology)

Process of Converting Geologic Maps from Coverages to Geodatabases [HTML | PDF]
By Karen Wheeler, Philip Dinterman, Russell Evarts, and Ray Wells (U.S. Geological Survey)

Appendix. List of Workshop Attendees [HTML | PDF]

Download a PDF of the entire printed volume [11 MB]

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Maintained by David R. Soller
Last modified: 13:23:37 Thu 27 Oct 2005
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