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Water Quality in the Sacramento River Basin, California,1994–98

By Joseph L. Domagalski1, Donna L. Knifong1, Peter D. Dileanis1, Larry R. Brown1, Jason T. May2, Valerie Connor3, and Charles N. Alpers1

1U.S. Geological Survey, Placer Hall, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6129
2California State University Foundation, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6063
3Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, 3443 Routier Road, Sacramento, CA 95827-3098


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A contribution of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

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U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1215

Suggested citation:

Domagalski, J.L., Knifong, D.L., Dileanis, P.D., Brown, L.R., May, J.T., Connor, Valerie, and Alpers, C.N., 2000, Water Quality in the Sacramento River Basin, California,1994–98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1215, 36 p., on-line at

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