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National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program--
Long Island-New Jersey (LINJ) Coastal Drainages Study Unit

Table of Contents

Fact Sheets and Short Reports on Findings to Date

(Click on either the [html version] or [pdf version] to read the respective formats, call 609-771-3943 for hard copy of reports)
* Overview of the Long Island-New Jersey Coastal Drainages (LINJ) NAWQA Study | [html version]
* Scope of the Long Island-New Jersey Coastal Drainages (LINJ) NAWQA Study | [html version]
* Presence and Distribution of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Streambed Sediments, New Jersey | [html version] | [pdf version (291k)]
* Presence and Distribution of Trace Elements in Streambed Sediments, New Jersey | [html version] | [pdf version (227k)]
* Occurrence of Volatile Organic Compounds in Streams of Long Island and New Jersey-- Overview of Available Data and Reconnaissance Sampling | [html version] | [pdf version (270k)]
* Occurrence of Nitrate, Pesticides, and Volatile Organic Compounds in the Kirkwood-Cohansey Aquifer System, Southern New Jersey | [html version] | [pdf version (1,143k)]
* Spatial Variability in Volatile Organic Compounds in Streams of Long Island and New Jersey | [html version] | [pdf version (2,340k)]
* A National Look at Nitrate Contamination of Ground Water | [html version] |
* Occurrence and Seasonal Variability of Volatile Organic Compounds in Seven NJ Streams [pdf version (500k)]
* Relation of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Impairment to Basin Characteristics in NJ Streams [pdf version (503k)]
* Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) and Other Volatile Organic Compounds in Lakes in Byram Township, Sussex County, New Jersey, Summer 1998 [pdf version (348k)]
* The quality of our Nation's waters: nutrients and pesticides Factsheet | Full report
* Pesticides in Streams of New Jersey and Long Island, Relation to Land Use [pdf version (1,600k)]
* Relation of Pesticide Concentrations to Season, Streamflow, and Land Use in Seven New Jersey Streams [pdf version (1,000k)]
* Comparison of nitrate, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds in samples from monitoring and public-supply wells, Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, southern New Jersey [ pdf_text_figs(4.7mb)pdf_gwsite_info(46kb)pdf_voc_data(46kb)pdf_pesticide_data(16kb) ]
*Water Quality in the Long Island- New Jersey Coastal Drainages [connection to the see executive summary and get pdf (~8mb)]
*Effects of land use and travel time on the distribution of nitrate in the Kirkwood-Cohansey Aquifer System in southern New Jersey [pdf version (5.2Mb)]

Posters on NAWQA findings

Posters on urban land-use effects on aquatic community health

*Building a stronger scientific basis for land-use planning and watershed management--Effects on water-quality and aquatic health [full pdf includes nine 11x17 pages @1.76mb]  OR 7 individual 11x17 panels each less than 0.5mb--
Introduction to studies [panel 1] | Conditions for fish have improved since 1970s [panel 2] | Invertebrates and fish communities are impaired in urban streams [panel 3] | Characteristics of urban streams that affect aquatic community health [panel 4] | Natural differences exist in invertebrate community structure across NJ [panel 5] | Implications of findings for management of water and ecological resources [panel 6] | Studiies to build scientific basis for planning and management [panel 7]

Posters on ground-water quality and modeling results in the Glassboro area

The JPG and MS-Word versions of the original posters exceed 1mb and take several minutes to load up. The posters also are paneled into seperate jpg files for systems that may not be able to handle the full poster jpg.

* Comparison of nitrate, pesticide, and volatile organic compound occurrence in monitoring and public-supply wells [full MS-Word version (2,790k)] | [full jpg version (1,717k)] | Objectives and major findings [panel1 (282k)} | GW flow modeling and sources of water to wells [panel2 (299k)} | Nonpoint-source contamination-- nitrate and pesticide findings [panel3 (242k)} | Point-source contamination-- VOC findings [panel4 (224k)} | Summary, interpretation, and significance of major findings [panel5 (210k)}
* Simulation of advective transport of nonpoint source contaminants of a unconfined aquifer [full MS-Word version (3,040k)] | [full jpg version (1,288k)] | Study area [panel1 (184k)} | GW flow modeling and particle tracking [panel2 (153k)} | Characterizing GW ages and land-use sources [panel3 (145k)} | Stream/well response to management of a hypothetical contaminant [panel4 (169k)} | History and modeling of nitrate use [panel5 (116k)} | Modeled nitrate results and summary [panel6 (187k)}

Links to simple map and bullet summaries of LINJ study findings to date (Sept 1998)

(click on individual link to display map of interest)
Map of LINJ GW Study Areas --- Map of the 7 LINJ SW Fixed Sites --- Map of LINJ SW VOC Synoptic Sites --- Map of LINJ SW Pesticide Synoptic Sites |

Map/Bullets of Nitrate and Pesticide Findings --- Distribution of NO3 in Shallow GW by Land Use --- Concentrations and Detection Frequency of Pesticides in Shallow GW by Land Use --- Figure of Pesticide Concentrations Across a Land Use Gradient |

Map/Bullets of Bed-Sediment Chemistry Findings --- Map of Bed Sediment Sampling Sites in NJ |

Map/Bullets of Volatile Organic Compound Findings --- Map of MTBE Concentrations for the VOC Synoptic Sites --- Figure of Total VOCs and MTBE Across a Land Use Gradient |

Map/Bullets of Water-Quality Vulnerability Findings |

Map/Bullets of Benthic Invertebrates and Fish IBI Findings --- Map of the NJ AMNET Invertebrate Sampling Sites and NJ Ecoregions --- Map of Invertebrate Community Impairment for NJ AMNET Sites |

Map/Bullets of Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) Changes 1970's to 1990's --- Map of Fish IBI for 1990s EPA Sites --- Map of Fish IBI Change from 1970s to 1990s |

Table of Regression and Observed Factors Affecting Water Quality |

Implications of GW flow and pathway studies -- The following figures show the delayed response of stream quality to land use inputs in the GW-dominated stream systems of southern NJ (Glassboro). Results are based on a 3-D GW flow (MODFLOW) and particle tracking (MODPATH) analysis of the Kirkwood/Cohansey surficial aquifer in the 400 square mile Glassboro area. The take-home message is that because of the long time of travel from points of GW recharge in the watershed to the point of discharge to streams, the chemistry of these GW-dominated streams requires a long time to respond to changes in changes in land-use practices.
Modeled age of water in Glassboro area streams by contributing land use ---
Modeled response of a hypothetical chemical in Glassboro area streams to land-use-management scenarios ---
Modeled changes in Glassboro area stream concentrations from year 2000 to 2050 |

Alphabetical List of Publications of the Long Island-New Jersey (LINJ) NAWQA study

Completed publications-- (Feb 2001)

Ayers, M.A., 1994, National Water-Quality Assessment Program--Scope of the Long Island-New Jersey study-unit investigation: U.S.Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS94-030, 2p.

Ayers, M.A., Kennen, J.G., and Stackelberg, P.E., 2000, Water Quality in the Long Island–New Jersey Coastal Drainages, New York and New Jersey, 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1201, 40 p.

Baehr, A.L., Stackelberg,P.E., and Baker, R.J., 1998, Evaluation of the atmosphere as a source of volatile organic compounds in shallow ground water: Water Resources Research, v. 35, no. 1, Jan 1999, p. 127-136.

Baehr, A.L., Stackelberg, P.E., Baker, R.J., Kauffman, L.J., Hopple, J.A., and Ayers, M.A., 1997, Design of a sampling network to determine the occurrence and movement of methyl tert-butyl ether and other organic compounds through the urban hydrologic cycle: American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints of Papers, 213th National Meeting, San Francisco, April 13-17, 1997, v37, no. 1.

Chang, Ming, Kennen, J.G., and DelCorso, E.J., 2000, Evaluating temporal changes in fish community condition for three New Jersey basins using the index of biotic integrity: Bulletin of NJ Academy of Scaiences, v. 45, no. 1, p. 1-12.

Clawges, R.M., Stackelberg, P.E., Ayers, M.A., and Vowinkel, E.F., 1999, Nitrate, volatile organic compounds, and pesticides in ground water--a summary of selected studies from New Jersey and Long Island, NY: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 99-4027, 32 p.

Kennen, J.G., 1998, Relation of benthic macroinvertebrate community impairment to basin characteristics in New Jersey streams: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-057-98, 6p.

Kennen, J.G., 1999, Relating macroinvertebrate community impairment to catchment characteristics in NJ streams: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 35, no. 4, p. 939-955.

Kennen, J.G., and Ayers, M.A., 2002, Relation of environmental characteristics to the composition of aquatic assemblages along a gradient of urban land use in New Jersey, 1996-98, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 02-4069, 77p.

Long, G.R., Chang, M., and Kennen, J.G., 2000, Trace elements and organochlorine compounds in bed sediment and fish tissue at selected sites in New Jersey streams--Sources and effects: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99–4235, 29 p.Association, 33(2), p. 387-403.

O'Brien, A.K., 1997, Presence and distribution of trace elements in New Jersey streambed sediments, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-049-97.

O'Brien, A.K., Reiser, R.G., and Gylling, Helle, 1997, Spatial variability of volatile organic compounds in streams on Long Island, NY, and in New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-194-97, 6p.

Reiser, R.G., and Anne K. O'Brien, 1998, Occurrence and seasonal variabilty of volatile organic compounds in seven New Jersey streams: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 98-4074, 12p.

Reiser, R.G., and O'Brien, A.K., 1998, Relation of pesticide concentrations to season, streamflow, and land use in seven New Jersey streams: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 99-4154, 19 p.

Reiser, R.G., and O'Brien, A.K., 1999, Pesticides in streams in New Jersey and Long Island, New York, and relation to land use: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98–4261, 11 p.

Stackelberg, P.E., and Ayers, M.A., 1994, National Water-Quality Assessment Program--Long Island-New Jersey coastal drainages: U.S. Geological Survey NAWQA Fact Sheet FS 94-012, 2p.

Stackelberg, P.E., 1996, Presence and distribution of chlorinated organic compounds in New Jersey streambed sediments, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-118-96.

Stackelberg, P.E., 1997, Presence and distribution of chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments, New Jersey: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 33, no. 2, p. 271–284.

Stackelberg, P.E., Hopple, J.A., and Kauffman, L.J., 1997, Occurrence of nitrate, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds in the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, southern New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 97-4241, 8p.

Stackelberg, Paul E., O'Brien, Anne K, and Terracciano, Stephen A., 1997, Occurrence of MTBE in surface and ground water, Long Island, New York and New Jersey: American Chemical Society, Division of Enviromnental Chemistry, Preprints of Papers, 213th National Meeting, San Francisco, April 13-17, 1997, v37, no. 1., p 394-397.

Stackelberg, P.E., Kauffman, L.J., Baehr, A.L., and Ayers, M.A., 2000, Comparison of nitrate, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds in samples from monitoring and public-supply wells, Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, southern New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00–4123, 78 p.

Stackelberg, P.E., Kauffman, L.J., Ayers, M.A., and Baehr, A.L., in press, Frequently co-occurring pesticides and volatile organic compounds in public-supply and monitoring wells, southern New Jersey: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. 20, no. 4, April 2001.

Terracciano, S.T., and O'Brien, A.K., 1997, Occurrence of volatile organic compounds in streams on Long Island, New York, and New Jersey--Overview of available data and reconnaissance sampling, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet, FS-063-97, 4p.

Publications in review-- (Feb 2001)

Kennen, J.G., and Kurtenbach, J.P., 1999, An integrated approach evaluating the relation between fish community condition and basin characteristics in northern New Jersey streams: journal article, p. 

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