National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program --
Delaware River Basin (DELR) Study Unit

Jeff Fischer
Project Chief, USGS

Welcome to the Delaware NAWQA Homepage

* What is the National Water Quality Assessment Program?
* Delaware Study Unit Description
* Major Water Quality Issues in the Delaware River Basin
* Workplans and Study Design
* Sampling Locations and Water Quality
* Study area maps
* Publications
* Special Studies
* Meet our team
* Bibliography
* Other agencies
Graphic of  Delaware River Basin Study Unit

The Delaware River Basin (DELR) NAWQA study began in 1997 and is a multi-district effort. Coordinated from our West Trenton, New Jersey office, the study also includes paticipation by our Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Troy, New York offices. During the first two years of the study (1997-1998) staff was hired, a liaison committee was started, existing data was analyzed, and plans for three years (1999-2001) of intensive data collection were developed. The intensive efforts will include multi-scale study approaches to collect samples of water, suspended and bed sediment, biologic tissues, and aquatic communities. The DELR NAWQA study is then scheduled to enter a low-intensity phase of monitoring and report writing in 2002 and return to another 3 years of intensive study again in 2008-2010.

Links to adjoining NAWQA programs:

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: NJ Webmaster
Last modified: Tuesday, May 16 2006, 07:00:13 AM
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