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IA #66-60  -  5/11/92, "Automatic Detention of Certain Steroid

TYPE OF ALERT:    Automatic Detention

PRODUCT:          Foreign manufactured unapproved drugs
                  promoted as alternatives to certain anabolic
                  steroids i.e.,

                  -  Yohimbe Bark or Yohimbe Bark Extract
                  -  Cyclofenil
                  -  Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
                  -  Diosgenin
                  -  Clenbuterol

PRODUCT CODE:     66() () () ()


PROBLEM:          These products appear to be new drugs which are
                  being commercially distributed without an
                  approved New Drug Application.

COUNTRY:          All

SHIPPER:          N/A


CHARGE:           "The article is subject to refusal of admission
                  pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that it
                  to be a new drug within the meaning of Section
                  201(p) without an approved new drug application
                  [Unapproved New Drug, Section 505(a)]."

OFFICE:           HFD-333

REASON FOR ALERT: Unapproved alternatives to anabolic steroids
                  commonly been found to present serious safety
                  effectiveness concerns.  In February, 1991,
                  anabolic steroids became controlled substances.
                  This is one factor which has stimulated the
                  market for imported steroid alternatives.

INSTRUCTIONS:     Automatically detain all shipments of finished
                  dosage forms (both commercial and personal) of
                  the cited unapproved products.  Do not collect
                  samples for laboratory analysis.  Districts
                  should determine whether the drugs are covered
                  by a current approved NDA or IND.  Those
                  products covered by an approved NDA or IND
                  should be released.

                  Bulk forms of these drugs may be detained under
                  certain circumstances as misbranded drugs;
                  however, prior to initiating any action against
                  bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, contact
                  Donald L. Leggett, CDER HFD-316,(301)594-3150.

KEYWORDS:         New Drug (NDA), Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals
                  (BPCs), Steroid Alternatives, Steroids

FOI:              No purging necessary.

PREPARED BY:      Rosa K. Forehand, HFC-131 (301) 443-6553