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IA #66-46 - 6/6/89, "Unapproved Version of Rodaquin"

TYPE OF ALERT: Automatic detention

PRODUCT      : Rodaquin, oral solution in 10 ml ampules

PRODUCT CODE :  66 ()()()()()

PROBLEM      : New drug without an approved new drug application
               (DRND and labeling lacks adequate directions for
               intended use (DRDW)

PAC          : 56008H

COUNTRY      : Mexico (595)

SHIPPER      : Laboratorios Rodaquina S. A.
               Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

IMPORTER     : ^                      ^
               ^                  ^
               ^                    ^

 CHARGE      : When accompanied by drug claims, charge: "The
               article is subject to refusal of admisssion
               pursuant to 801(a)(3) in that it appears the
               labeling fails to bear adequate directions for use
               for its intended purposes [misbranded; 502(f)(1)]
               and it appears to be a new drug without an
               effective new drug application [unapproved new
               drug; 505(a)]".

               When unaccompanied by drug claims, charge: "The
               article is subject to refusal of admission
               pursuant to 801(a)(3) in that it appears the
               labeling fails to bear adequate directions for use
               for its intended purposes [misbranded;


ALERT     :    Rodaquin, alleged to be a mixture of oxidation
               reduction compounds (i.e, tetrahydroxyuquinone,
               rhodizonic acid, triquinoyl, polycarbon suboxide,
               and two "polymers") in a liquid vehicle, has been
               in circulation as a "drug" for at least 25 years.
               It has been promoted as a cancer treatment and
               more recently as an effective treatment for a wide
               variety of serious diseases and medical disorders
               such as stroke, paralysis, Parkinson's Disease,
               cardiovascular conditions, neurofibromatosis, and

               Rodaquin is often accompanied by literature,
               promoting its alleged benefits, which is mailed by
               the referenced importer who is also believed to be
               the owner and operator of the manufacturing firm
               in Mexico.  The literature consists largely of
               testimonials for cures of conditions for which
               Rodaquin has not been proven to be safe or
               effective.  The drug is also promoted by several
               "Friends of Rodaquin" groups, both in the U.S. and
               Mexico, which are listed in the literature
               supplied to consumers.

               The product apparently is brought into the U.S.
               from Laboratorios Rodaquin, which operates also as
               a clinic, by patients visiting the clinic or is
               smuggled across the border and shipped within the

               In addition to the investigations that LOS-DO has
               conducted to establish the involvement of the
               named importer, LOS-DO has also received through
               DET-DO, a packet of information,including a
               different set of letters and testimonials,
               received from a consumer.

INSTRUCTIONS   :    Automatically detain all shipments of Rodaquin from Mexico.

                    The applicable charge will be made based on whether or not
                    the shipment is accompanied by the literature.

                    Alert your local Customs office and Postal Service of our
                    interest in this product and that it may be entered as
                    formal and informal entries by personal shipments or by

FOI            :    Information between ^      ^ requires purging.

KEYWORDS       :    Rodaquin, Mexico, drug, fraud