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IA #66-45 - 1/10/92, Automatic Detention of Diennet Food
            Supplement Tablets

TYPE OF ALERT: Automatic Detention

PRODUCT   :    "Diennet Food Supplement" Herb Diet Capsules

PRODUCT CODE :      66 V [] [] 99

PROBLEM   :    Presence of undeclared prescription drugs (DRHL/DRND)

COUNTRY   :    France/Belgium (350/190)

SHIPPER   :    Dr. Marcel Diennet, Paris, France (Diet Clinic)
                    Hedephar SA Pro Diennettim (or S.A. Hedephar)     (Mfr./Shpr)
                    2 Rue Du Chateau, 7201 Warquignies
                    Brussels, Belgium

               ID #BEHEDSA7201BRU

               The deletion of the reference to "Diennettim" in the address may be an
               attempt to circumvent this import alert.

          NYK-DO reports some shipping labels may show the shipper as:

          Isabelle Deckx
          Poste de Cuesmes - bte 13
          7210 Cuesmes

          ID #BEISADEC13CUE

          The packages may be marked "PRESCRIPTION, CODE***3001, SAMPLE NOT

          LOS-DO has reported misdeclaration of Diennet Dietary Supplement
          as Ultra-Bios diet Pills (reference Import Alert #54-05).

          LOS-DO has encountered some shipping labels which read as follows:

          Rue Notre-Dame, 8
          7000 Mons

Page 2 - Import Alert #66-45                     January 10, 1992  Revised

CHARGE    :    "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               section 801(a)(3) in that its labeling appears to bear
               inadequate directions for use for its intended purposes
               [misbranded; 502(f)(1)]; it appears its labeling is false
               and misleading in that it implies the product is only herbal
               (i.e., safe) and fails to reveal the material fact that the
               product contains diethylpropion, diazepam [misbranded;
               502(a)] and appears to be a new drug without an effective
               new drug application [unapproved new drug; 505(a)]"

OFFICE    :    HFC-131

ALERT     :    Imported herb diet capsules called "Diennet Food Supplement",
               which were the creation of Dr. Marcel Diennet, who operated a diet
               clinic in Paris, France, were found to contain undeclared
               prescription drugs.  A sample collected of the capsules and
               analyzed by LOS-DO confirmed the presence of undeclared
               diethylpropion HCL, diazepam and chlordiazepoxide HCL at
               therapeutic levels.  Dr. Diennet had admitted that he sometimes
               added drugs to his capsules.  The Diennet Institute initiated a
               recall of their products in August, 1988 (#D-189-8).  Shipments of
               the diet capsules containing undeclared drugs appear to be
               continuing.  The products were previously the subject of an Import
               Bulletin (54B-01).

          INSTRUCTIONS:  Automatically detain, without sampling, all "Diennet Food
                         Supplement" products.  Since clients may order products directly
                         from France or Belgium, articles may continue to be shipped
                         directly by mail.   Districts with Foreign Mail Division
                         facilities should alert their local customs counterparts about the
                         products and ask for their assistance in identifying shipments
                         from either the manufacturer (Hedephar SA Pro Diennettim or S.A.
                         Hedephar) or the clinic.

          FOI        :   No purging required

          KEYWORDS   :   Diennet, Hedephan, Diet, Capsules, Drugs, Supplements, Mail