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IA #61-05 - Revised 10/5/92, "Automatic Detention of Methapyrilene and Drug
Products Containing Methapyrilene"

TYPE OF ALERT:      Automatic Detention

PRODUCT      : Methapyrilene and drug products containing Methapyrilene,
               including OTC and prescription systemic and topical

PRODUCT CODE : 60 through 66-----

CODE         : N/A

PROBLEM      : New Drug Without an Approved New Drug Application (NDA)


COUNTRY      : All

SHIPPER      : All


I.D. #       : N/A

CHARGE       : "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be a new drug within
               the meaning of Section 201(p), without an approved new drug
               application (NDA) [Unapproved New Drug, Section 505(a).]"

OFFICE       : CDER/Office of Compliance, Division of Drug Labeling and
               Compliance, HFD-311

ALERT        : Although the agency has never codified the prohibition on
               the use of methapyrilene in OTC drugs, there is sufficient
               documentation that this ingredient is not permitted in the
               United States.

               In the February 14, 1989, Federal Register Final Rule
               covering "Nighttime Sleep-Aid Drug Products for Over-the-
               Counter Human Use" (54 FR 6816), the agency discussed the
               use of this ingredient.

               Based on a National Cancer Institute study, the agency
               concluded that methapyrilene is a potent carcinogen.  Since
               1979 all oral and topical products containing methapyrilene
               have been considered to be misbranded under Section 502 of
               the Act (21 U.S.C. 352) and "new drugs" under Section 201(p)
               of the Act (21 U.S.C. 321(p)).  The agency further concluded
               that methapyrilene fumarate and methapyrilene hydrochloride
               are nonmonograph ingredients.  Therefore any use of these
               ingredients makes the products unapproved new drugs and not
               permitted to be marketed unless covered by an Approved New
               Drug Application on file with FDA.

INSTRUCTIONS : Automatically detain all bulk and finished dosage products
               containing methapyrilene.

GUIDANCE     : Not applicable at this time

FOI          : No purging is required

KEYWORDS     : Methapyrilene Fumarate, Carcinogen, Unapproved New Drug,
               Methapyrilene Hydrochloride.

PREPARED BY  : Linda A. Wisniowski, DIOP, 301-443-6553.